Wednesday , I went unto my facebook and went onto a page in my acct. that had about 6 or more names that I have never used on faacebook. I use my email (mssb1958@aol.com) or my name Melinda. Whomever got into my site used all different kinds of ways of using my names ,even one had the number 1 after it. I want to be able to get into my facebook and write down those names someone had used illegally. Also some of the monies used was not used with my permission. I had one card by my bank cut up till they found out some of the monies taken out of my fb was not from me. I did nothing wrong to be kicked out of fb , someone or more then someone was hacking in and using it,. It is 12 26 am where i am right now. i have to let my bank know which were from me and which were from a hacker or their going to do a drawback on them all. i like playing and talking to my family from out of town.I talked to a lady from zynga but she didnt write it down right ! I know which i bought and which were not used right. please set my acct ,so tat i may re-enter it. also my bank and i are getting thngs done to figure out whcih were done without my permission please open my acct and sned me a way to get in. I have always been forthright and honest and now I feel like your treating me like im the bad one when someone entered my fb acct. I have redone my pc with the company, put on new passwords and changed everything, And yet you still wont let me in .ive never been arrested, done a illegal thing in my life and was a good fb fan and player . it hurts to be treated this way. please contact me. ddress is after this. mssb1958@aol.com. Sorry for my writing, ive been on the phone with gateway and my bank and zyngaand other people to get my pc made as strong as possibleto keep people out. I am not beingmean but I am notbuying anyting till these people are caught.Hope to hear from you b4 my bank calls me, I like and wish to stay in fb,
thank you ,Melinda Bachman
p.s. if u wish my phone number ask ,ill send it. thank u.