- Mimecast an error has occurred. try again to complete the process
- Network error occurred - Guide
- Mouso core worker process - Guide
- Unable to complete request - Facebook Messenger Forum
- Unable to complete request. - Facebook Messenger Forum
- I have completed the task they ask me to do but still yet th - Facebook Forum
2 responses
Registration date
Thursday March 4, 2010
Last seen
March 4, 2010
Mar 4, 2010 at 09:27 AM
Mar 4, 2010 at 09:27 AM
Hi abdmobil,
Your Question Sounds Critical but its Really Simple, Don't just Over Think & Stress Yourself...
Lets Say Our ISP Has 1 Million Connections in a City & Gives the data Requested to Specific User. How?
Because When each and every User connect to internet, their ISP will assign Dynamic Unique IP Address to the Person & Transmits & Receives Data via the Temporay IP. Its No Problem whether 1 or 1 million Users are Connected, Their Requested page or data will be sent instantly. ISP Reads only IP's & Not City Names...
Hope i Cleared Your Question...
If you have Further Doubts, Don't hesitate to ask Again...
Your Question Sounds Critical but its Really Simple, Don't just Over Think & Stress Yourself...
Lets Say Our ISP Has 1 Million Connections in a City & Gives the data Requested to Specific User. How?
Because When each and every User connect to internet, their ISP will assign Dynamic Unique IP Address to the Person & Transmits & Receives Data via the Temporay IP. Its No Problem whether 1 or 1 million Users are Connected, Their Requested page or data will be sent instantly. ISP Reads only IP's & Not City Names...
Hope i Cleared Your Question...
If you have Further Doubts, Don't hesitate to ask Again...