Flash - Getplus+(r): Operating System Error
- Flash - Getplus+(r): Operating System Error
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2 responses
Jean-François Pillou
Registration date
Monday February 15, 1999
Last seen
February 16, 2023
Mar 11, 2010 at 03:31 PM
Mar 11, 2010 at 03:31 PM
You just need to download the official offline installer for Internet Explorer :
For other browsers you may install this :
Source: http://boardreader.com/threa/Cant_download_Flash_at_all_1xkufXc2re.html
For other browsers you may install this :
Source: http://boardreader.com/threa/Cant_download_Flash_at_all_1xkufXc2re.html
Ran into this on a friend's PC.
This error message seems to occur when "Windows Installer" is not running or has become corrupted. Check to see if Windows Installer is running:
Run > services.msc
Scroll down to Windows Installer. Check to see that Startup Type is set to Automatic. If not, double-click Windows Installer. This will open the Application's Property Sheet.
In the Startup type drop-down box, Choose Automatic. Then click Apply.
Close everything and restart.
Hope this works for you.
This error message seems to occur when "Windows Installer" is not running or has become corrupted. Check to see if Windows Installer is running:
Run > services.msc
Scroll down to Windows Installer. Check to see that Startup Type is set to Automatic. If not, double-click Windows Installer. This will open the Application's Property Sheet.
In the Startup type drop-down box, Choose Automatic. Then click Apply.
Close everything and restart.
Hope this works for you.
Mar 11, 2010 at 07:32 PM
Thank you SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for this simple and effortless solution.
If you had ANY idea how much trouble this has caused me prior to your email!
Why the HELL don't Adobe paste this solution on their website?
I intend to communicate with them about this. They could VERY easily put the info on the Download Page.
I guess they want us to buy the prog!
Is there any way that you can paste this solution onto Google, or is it there already?
Again, I really appreciate this.
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Peter Smith
Mar 12, 2010 at 06:20 AM
Mar 31, 2010 at 01:58 PM
Mar 31, 2010 at 06:12 PM
Mar 31, 2010 at 07:44 PM