Cant transfer songs from my library to my ipo

george1 - Mar 14, 2010 at 10:00 AM
 Storm - Apr 17, 2010 at 12:54 PM
I hope someone can help me. I believe a corruption virus or something hit my computer, and I cant add,remove or do anything on the songs component of my ipod touch. All the songs are still there, but instead of being written in black, like my library is, the writting is in gray, and I can't do anything! If there is any suggestions at all, I would be extremely happy to hear it! -Thanks, G

1 response

I have the same problem. I selected "manage music" once the ipod was connected and the songs that were once grayed out are now in black but no matter what I try I can't get those songs on my ipod. I've uninstalled-reinstalled, restored the ipod about 10 times and nothing seems to work. I even tried all of this under a different user and nothing seems to work.