Could it be the motherboard

the5taters Posts 3 Registration date Monday April 5, 2010 Status Member Last seen April 7, 2010 - Apr 6, 2010 at 01:55 PM
the5taters Posts 3 Registration date Monday April 5, 2010 Status Member Last seen April 7, 2010 - Apr 7, 2010 at 08:44 PM
I have a toshiba laptop that shut off after being on for five minutes. I keep it sitting on a cooler fan at all times , i checked to make sure it was clean . But it doesnt even show the LED for the plug being plugged in the wall. I did what was said about take battery out , hold power button 30 sec. , plug it to wall , hold power 30 sec then put battery back in . I got NOTHING ! I was told it sound like the mother board went out . Is this possible and could be anything else?

1 response

mousytom Posts 15 Registration date Tuesday April 6, 2010 Status Member Last seen April 7, 2010 26
Apr 6, 2010 at 04:37 PM
It could be
A: your battery has become old and there fore doesn't hold its charge or even a bad connection from the battery to the laptop
B: I believe this could relate to the motherboard example an overheating chip or so C: your connection from your charger is not connecting properly or the charger it self could be at fault

now im not terribly smart in these areas but if the laptop is quite old this stuff happens, i would suggest upgrading


the5taters Posts 3 Registration date Monday April 5, 2010 Status Member Last seen April 7, 2010
Apr 7, 2010 at 08:44 PM
thanks Matt. I took it to a computer repair shop, and i don't know much about the working parts of a computer, so i wanted to make sure what he said could be true . He knew i didn't know much about the parts. He told me it had to be the motherboard because the harddrive was still working , and the plug , battery was still good . he said he checked something else to , i can't remember , but he said it was good , which means it was most likely the motherboard. Then he offered me a small trade in value for my laptop if i by one from him . so that made me a little iffy .
So thank you so much .