Micro SD not detected at all

DraGAN - Apr 12, 2010 at 11:14 PM
 Dragan - Sep 11, 2011 at 02:34 PM
Hi there,

I just bought a micro sd card of 16gb. Sandisk .

I formated the card with the cellphone plugued in the computer. Then I syncronized the songs to the cell phone. Than, it is like the memory card disappeared from my cellphone. When I put my 1 gb card it detects it and the computer too. but now I put the 16 gb and it is the same as it is not there. no password.. absolutely nothing :(

I saw many a big thread on it but I didn't found anything that worked out here.

Many Thanks

3 responses

Blocked Profile
Apr 13, 2010 at 02:33 AM
Dear Dragan,

Please consider plugging another sd card to the phone for confirming that the problem is coming from the phone itself and hence get the phone repaired.Otherwise,please indicate for further help.

Thank you.
Hi DIsturbed,

Thanks for the reply, yeah, I'm back with my 1 gb micro sd. and automatically when I insert it, there is a mesage poping that says memory card detected.

If I inster the 16 gb one, it doesn't show up, neither in the settings (phone) or by the computer via the cable to the phone.

I don't know if there is anything I could do.

Thanks again
i am having the same problem, my mircosd wont read in my computer, my phone or my xbox360... but i've use other cards on the same adapter and it words just fine.

the worst part, is it's not even corrupted - if the sd told me it was corrupted i could recover the files or at least reformat it. my luck though, it doesn't even show up.

if you find a solution let me know, i'm pretty hopeful i will be able to get some 600 pictures and several hundred other files that it will be impossible to replace.
Well. I unfortunately never found a solution for it, so t istored in the meanwhle