Trying to hook up my PC to a TV via S-Video

Martin - Apr 14, 2010 at 12:16 AM
 Blocked Profile - Apr 16, 2010 at 07:48 AM
I have an old Mitsubishi VS-45605 45 in. Rear Projection TV and I'm trying to hook a computer up to it so I can use it as a display device. The computer has plenty of power and a EVGA e-GeForce 7200 GS graphics card with TV-Out via an S-Video port.

When I boot up the computer, I can see the boot menu on the TV screen and then the Windows XP logo splash screen comes up for about 10 seconds or so but, just as the operating system begins to load, the TV screen goes blue and then nothing else happens.

I also have an LCD monitor hooked up to the computer simultaneously (a feature of the graphics card) and everything is working fine on the monitor, XP loads and I'm able to use the computer as normal. I've played around with the settings in the graphic cards control panel trying to get a video image to come up on the TV but nothing seems to work. Based on the research I've done, the graphics card should work fine with older TV sets so long as they have an S-Video In port, which mine does.

I have a feeling that I need to change a some settings in order to get things to work but, other than playing with the resolution and refresh rate as I have done, I'm really at a loss as what to do next. Is there anybody here that has played around with a similar set up that can give me some troubleshooting ideas or advice?


1 response

Blocked Profile
Apr 14, 2010 at 07:48 AM
Dear Martin,

Please consider checking the following Kioskea FAQ article for having the complete instructions.

Thanks in advance.
Yes, I went through the FAQ several times but it didn't help. I don't think my PC is receiving a signal from the TV because it's not being detected when I go into in my graphic card settings.
Blocked Profile
Apr 16, 2010 at 07:48 AM
Dear Martin,

This might be a problem sourcing from a faulty cable. Please confirm the issue by using an alternative cable.
