Access point for Videocon GPRS
- Access point for Videocon GPRS
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2 responses
go to Settings > configuration > persönal configuration settings > options > Add new > web and put folloeing settings. : Videocon gprs
homepage :
username : blank
pass : blank
use preferred access point : No
[it will ask for defining APN settngs]
apn setngs > proxy > enable
proxy add:
port : 8799
data bearer packet data
bearer setings >
packet data Apn :
[please leave everything and go back and activate the Videocon gprs web settigs]
Now make one Access point by going to Add new > access point
apn name : Videocon
Access point setngs
data bearer packet data
bearer setings >
packet data Apn :
[and leave everything and come back and activate the Videocon access point]
Now come back and go to Default configuration setings > select Personal configuration > details > and set as default by clicking on Default.
And Activate default in all applications
and also Check if the preferred Access point is Videocon.
now go to ur handsets default browser > go to settings > configuration setings > Account > select Videocon
now try to open homepage and then any site.
And also any other browser as well. : Videocon gprs
homepage :
username : blank
pass : blank
use preferred access point : No
[it will ask for defining APN settngs]
apn setngs > proxy > enable
proxy add:
port : 8799
data bearer packet data
bearer setings >
packet data Apn :
[please leave everything and go back and activate the Videocon gprs web settigs]
Now make one Access point by going to Add new > access point
apn name : Videocon
Access point setngs
data bearer packet data
bearer setings >
packet data Apn :
[and leave everything and come back and activate the Videocon access point]
Now come back and go to Default configuration setings > select Personal configuration > details > and set as default by clicking on Default.
And Activate default in all applications
and also Check if the preferred Access point is Videocon.
now go to ur handsets default browser > go to settings > configuration setings > Account > select Videocon
now try to open homepage and then any site.
And also any other browser as well.