
TXLgn - Apr 21, 2010 at 08:01 AM
 TXLgn - Apr 26, 2010 at 12:36 PM
I have a laptop that is connected by Ethernet. I have a desktop I can not get to connect (I think there is something wrong with the Network card). My desktop has WAY more memory so is there a way to connect them so I can at least have the desktop as an extra storage place for my videos and pics and just better computer performance? I appreciate your help.

2 responses

dawooddoe Posts 403 Registration date Saturday February 21, 2009 Status Member Last seen November 12, 2010 109
Apr 21, 2010 at 09:54 AM
You can go to get a working Ethernet network card for desktop and a Ethernet wired router, after that set up a wired Ethernet network to share video, pics and other files between those computers. Feel free to take a look on this wired Ethernet network setup tutorial to help you.
Thank you. I will try that. If I can ask anther question I would be grateful. On my desktop, it will not automatically configure the ip address. I finally entered it manually and at that point I was able to get a connection but could not get on the internet. Explorer would tell me it could not load the webpage. When I try to repair it goes tells me it could not repair because it could not renew the ip address and since that undoes what I did manually I go back to not having a connection. I have talked to my isp and they just had me do everything I've already done and the I get service on my laptop when I plug the cable into my Ethernet. Frustrating.
dawooddoe Posts 403 Registration date Saturday February 21, 2009 Status Member Last seen November 12, 2010 109
Apr 22, 2010 at 10:08 AM
You need to set DHCP setting on router to be able assign IP address and other network info to computers, after that you can configure computers to obtain IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS automatically. This way your computer should be able to ping router.

Take a look on that network tutorial, you should be able to get more info.
Yea, that doesn't work but I appreciate it. I'll just give up and just connect the desktop and laptop so at least I have the memory! Thank you!!