Start up problem. PLEASE HELP!

CaptRicoSakara - Oct 25, 2008 at 07:13 PM
wimax1 Posts 7 Registration date Tuesday October 21, 2008 Status Member Last seen May 14, 2009 - Oct 26, 2008 at 03:56 AM
When I got home from work this morning, I heard my computer making a loud, long 'beep.' This sort of thing has happened to me before, and I decided to shut it down then restart.
As I got the computer back up and running, there was a long beep and the CPU Fan wasn't working right. It shut down before the beep stop. I got out my older CPU fan and switch between to two to see if one or the otrher would work if they were conntect to the CPUFAN1 or CPUFAN2 connection. I had a difficult time getting the fans out. Those clamps are a real drag. Anyhow, after a while, another problem came about: The CUP Fan works, and the computer starts up, but there's no beep and no booting up.
Does the mother board need replacing? I've also already ordered a new CPU Fan, will it help? Do I also need a new CPU?


1 response

wimax1 Posts 7 Registration date Tuesday October 21, 2008 Status Member Last seen May 14, 2009
Oct 26, 2008 at 03:56 AM
hey there,

well to begin if your cpu is a 478pins and that you have ordered a new motherboard then maybe you will get a 775pins and hence the cpu you have actually will not suite into your new motherboard. there exists also 775pins motherbaord but beware buddy if its made for ddr2 and that the one you have actually is ddr1 then the ram will not suite there are different factors which need to be taken into consideration when changing a motherboard. for your case i would recommend that you change the motherboard itself but be cautious about the points above as may be the problem is coming from the motherboard and thats why the fan sometimes work and sometimes not. also dont try to persist to switch it on although the fan isnt working because you could fry the cpu.

hope it helps you