Think i have a trojan

moose - Apr 28, 2010 at 06:15 PM
 Blocked Profile - Apr 29, 2010 at 03:39 AM
The problem i have is any time i go to click on a website link using any kind of search engine, the web page link i originally click on is not the page i go to. example: type in search for suspension parts. click the link to the first site, and it brings up a webpage for apartment finder or some other ridiculous webpage that had nothing to do with what i clicked on. I have run my anti virus software, which is panda global protection 2010. yesterday it found one trojan and two spyware. today same problem. ran scan again and it had two spyware. i have the feeling i have a virus or a trojan that my anti-virsus just is not detecting. i don't want to do a complete wipe and restore if i can avoid it. any suggestions?

1 response

Blocked Profile
Apr 29, 2010 at 03:39 AM
Dear Sir,

Please download the below Trojan Remover and hence get free of the trouble.

Thanks in advance.