Is my new cpu broken?

hiyoelbrian - May 28, 2010 at 11:56 PM
 hiyoelbrian1 - May 30, 2010 at 01:20 AM
i recently purchased a used q9550 from ebay. after switching it out with my old pentium d 2.8 ghz, the computer would not start. it would just turn "on" with all fans on high but nothing on the screen about the bios, as normally would happen . i took out the cpu and put in the old one and it worked fine again. then i followed some advice from this forum and tested the cpu by taking off the heatsink and placing my finger on the cpu. i did this with both the pentium d and the q9550. the pentium d almost immediately burnt my finger. the 9550 though was only slightly warm. i left my finger on it longer and it slowly got hotter. does this mean that my cpu is broken? i have motherboard model dell dxp051 and bios A03. is there a problem with my bios or mobo or cpu? do i have to update it? all help is appreciated.


2 responses

Blocked Profile
May 29, 2010 at 05:05 AM
Dear Sir,

Please check whether you can get in safe mode and indicate for further help.

Thank you.
i do not get anything on the screen, so no safemode