Copy & Paste based on specific condition
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25 responses
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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May 31, 2010 at 06:07 AM
May 31, 2010 at 06:07 AM
Look at this
it needs a minor tweak for your case
it needs a minor tweak for your case
Here is the link...I have not written any macros for the attached excel..Kindly provide me the macro coding to copy only the rows in which I have updated the rate in CPN rate column to sheet2.
Thanks in Advance.
Here is the link...I have not written any macros for the attached excel..Kindly provide me the macro coding to copy only the rows in which I have updated the rate in CPN rate column to sheet2.
Thanks in Advance.
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 1, 2010 at 08:15 AM
Jun 1, 2010 at 08:15 AM
But did you not say "But unfortunately I was not able to implement this macro coding to my excel as it does not work properly. " ??
So what exactly did you do ?
So what exactly did you do ?
I am not a expert in macros..i am just a beginner in macros. So I tried with the coding and I am not sure which part I need to change in the codings...So it would be great if you could provide me a fresh coding which suits to my excel.
I am not a expert in macros..i am just a beginner in macros. So I tried with the coding and I am not sure which part I need to change in the codings...So it would be great if you could provide me a fresh coding which suits to my excel.
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 1, 2010 at 04:04 PM
Jun 1, 2010 at 04:04 PM
No book at the link . Could you re-post of SECS Tracker.xls
I have posted the excel in both the links..
Thanks for your help in advance. of SECS Tracker.xls
I have posted the excel in both the links..
Thanks for your help in advance.
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 2, 2010 at 10:57 AM
Jun 2, 2010 at 10:57 AM
Looking at your data, you said that copy a row only if all columns are updated. That would be very hard to do. If one column is updated, that would be possible.
Fine..IF I update any details in the rate column then that particular row alone can be copied to sheet2 using macros?Is that possible?
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 2, 2010 at 12:44 PM
Jun 2, 2010 at 12:44 PM
The instructions are pretty much same as one in the thread I pointed you too. This is the tweaked code from same thread
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim lAtRow As Long Dim lThisRow As Long Dim Cell As Object Application.EnableEvents = False On Error GoTo Error_Handle For Each Cell In Target lThisRow = Cell.Row If ((lThisRow > 1) And (Cell.Column = 5) And (UCase(Cell) <> "")) Then lAtRow = 0 On Error Resume Next lAtRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Cells(lThisRow, "A"), Sheets("SECS Upload").Range("A:A"), 0) On Error GoTo Error_Handle If lAtRow < 1 Then lAtRow = Sheets("SECS Upload").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1 Sheets("SECS Upload").Range("A" & lAtRow & ":F" & lAtRow) = Range("A" & lThisRow & ":F" & lThisRow).Value End If Next Cell END_SUB: Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub Error_Handle: MsgBox Err.Description GoTo END_SUB End Sub
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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Apr 29, 2015 at 07:14 PM
Apr 29, 2015 at 07:14 PM
Hey Riz
May I ask for your help with a similar code ?
i have a sheet consists of 18 Column but i'm looking only for one of them have on of 17 fixed entries
so the code should copy the row of every entry and paste it in the Sheet that match the name of this specific cell
May I ask for your help with a similar code ?
i have a sheet consists of 18 Column but i'm looking only for one of them have on of 17 fixed entries
so the code should copy the row of every entry and paste it in the Sheet that match the name of this specific cell
Thanks a million this code works perfectly..
If I fill the details in Rate column then the entire row is automatically gets copied to sheet2.
But if I incorrectly enter details in rate column which I was not supposed to do and so if I delete the details in that column. In such case the row which is already copied to sheet2 can be deleted once I remove details in row column in sheet1?
Is it possible?
Thanks a million this code works perfectly..
If I fill the details in Rate column then the entire row is automatically gets copied to sheet2.
But if I incorrectly enter details in rate column which I was not supposed to do and so if I delete the details in that column. In such case the row which is already copied to sheet2 can be deleted once I remove details in row column in sheet1?
Is it possible?
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 3, 2010 at 10:38 AM
Jun 3, 2010 at 10:38 AM
if you correct the rate, the row gets updated. It looks for the serial number. If the serial number is on sheet2, then data from sheet 1 is used to update the sheet 2
if the serial number is not found, then data from sheet 1 is added to sheet2
if the serial number is not found, then data from sheet 1 is added to sheet2
Hi Riz,
The above coding which you gave for copying and pasting row to sheet2 if the rate column is updated in sheet1 works really great!!
Adding to that, I need another specific condition added to the above scenario.
In the attached excel I have column "O"(Remarks - If any), I have provided few validation list in this column. If this column reads as "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear". Then that particular row should not get copied to the sheet2 even if the rate is updated.
Is this is possible?
Please advice.
The above coding which you gave for copying and pasting row to sheet2 if the rate column is updated in sheet1 works really great!!
Adding to that, I need another specific condition added to the above scenario.
In the attached excel I have column "O"(Remarks - If any), I have provided few validation list in this column. If this column reads as "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear". Then that particular row should not get copied to the sheet2 even if the rate is updated.
Is this is possible?
Please advice.
Hi Riz,
The above coding for copying rows from sheet1 and pasting it in sheet2 if the rate column is updated works really great!!!
I need to add another condition in copying cells to sheet2.
I have column "O"(Remarks - If any) in my excel. In which I have added few validations.
So if the column "O" reads "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear" then that particular row should not get copied to sheet2 even if the rate is updated.
Is that possible. Please advice. Thanks for your help!!!
The above coding for copying rows from sheet1 and pasting it in sheet2 if the rate column is updated works really great!!!
I need to add another condition in copying cells to sheet2.
I have column "O"(Remarks - If any) in my excel. In which I have added few validations.
So if the column "O" reads "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear" then that particular row should not get copied to sheet2 even if the rate is updated.
Is that possible. Please advice. Thanks for your help!!!
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 16, 2010 at 12:31 PM
Jun 16, 2010 at 12:31 PM
Is this different from ?
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Saturday April 7, 2007
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December 19, 2024
Jun 16, 2010 at 02:03 PM
Jun 16, 2010 at 02:03 PM
I deleted all the other same threads ! For the same question continue on the initial thread. Don't create a new one each time.
And if you want to bump up your thread, just add a message with a "up" in your initial discussion but not all minutes, be patient ... We are all volunteers and we have a job and a real life too ;)
Best regards
I deleted all the other same threads ! For the same question continue on the initial thread. Don't create a new one each time.
And if you want to bump up your thread, just add a message with a "up" in your initial discussion but not all minutes, be patient ... We are all volunteers and we have a job and a real life too ;)
Best regards
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 16, 2010 at 06:25 PM
Jun 16, 2010 at 06:25 PM
Life ? whats that aquarelle ? :P
In Saky defense, there was a glitch in the system. It looked liked messages were not being posted then. I think he thought same too and kept on adding messages
In Saky defense, there was a glitch in the system. It looked liked messages were not being posted then. I think he thought same too and kept on adding messages
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Saturday April 7, 2007
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Jun 17, 2010 at 06:14 AM
Jun 17, 2010 at 06:14 AM
:D, thanks for these informations.
Sorry for the confusion caused guys!!! I know you people are helping us greatly..
But as Riz said...there was a problem with the system that is the reason why I posted the message thrice and not in the intention to trouble you people..
Anyways ance again I apologise for the confusion caused..
Can you kindly reply me for my above question.
But as Riz said...there was a problem with the system that is the reason why I posted the message thrice and not in the intention to trouble you people..
Anyways ance again I apologise for the confusion caused..
Can you kindly reply me for my above question.
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Saturday April 7, 2007
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December 19, 2024
Jun 17, 2010 at 06:08 AM
Jun 17, 2010 at 06:08 AM
I hope that I was not too severe and I apologise because I didn't know that there was a system problem when you tried to post.
But I wanted to explain why your messages have been deleted.
Have a good day!
PS : Saky, if you want some help, put an example without password ;)
"Pour trouver une solution à ses problèmes, il faut s'en donner la peine."
I hope that I was not too severe and I apologise because I didn't know that there was a system problem when you tried to post.
But I wanted to explain why your messages have been deleted.
Have a good day!
PS : Saky, if you want some help, put an example without password ;)
"Pour trouver une solution à ses problèmes, il faut s'en donner la peine."
Sorry I dint get you aquarelle..
Can I get an answer for the above please...I need your help..
Can I get an answer for the above please...I need your help..
Registration date
Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 17, 2010 at 10:07 AM
Jun 17, 2010 at 10:07 AM
The file that you have up there. The VBA is password protected. Either put up a file without one or what is the password ?
The file that you have up there. The VBA is password protected. Either put up a file without one or what is the password ?
Registration date
Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 17, 2010 at 10:32 AM
Jun 17, 2010 at 10:32 AM
does that file even work ? the macro is in the wrong place. ?
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 17, 2010 at 10:41 AM
Jun 17, 2010 at 10:41 AM
Ok try this.
It needs to go to the sheet where the change of rate is happening
It needs to go to the sheet where the change of rate is happening
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim lAtRow As Long Dim lThisRow As Long Dim Cell As Object Application.EnableEvents = False On Error GoTo Error_Handle For Each Cell In Target lThisRow = Cell.Row ' if target row in less than 2, move to next If lThisRow < 2 Then GoTo Next_Cell ' if cell column is not 5 then goto next If Cell.Column <> 5 Then GoTo Next_Cell ' if cell changed is blank, then goto next change If Trim(Cell) = "" Then GoTo Next_Cell ' if on the changed row, in column O we have 'Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear' goto next If Trim(UCase(Cells(lThisRow, "O"))) = UCase("Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear") Then GoTo Next_Cell lAtRow = 0 On Error Resume Next lAtRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Cells(lThisRow, "A"), Sheets("SECS Upload").Range("A:A"), 0) On Error GoTo Error_Handle If lAtRow < 1 Then lAtRow = Sheets("SECS Upload").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1 Sheets("SECS Upload").Range("A" & lAtRow & ":F" & lAtRow) = Range("A" & lThisRow & ":F" & lThisRow).Value Next_Cell: Next Cell END_SUB: Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub Error_Handle: MsgBox Err.Description GoTo END_SUB End Sub
No riz, It is not working..Still the rows get copied to sheet2..
Registration date
Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 17, 2010 at 01:43 PM
Jun 17, 2010 at 01:43 PM
Upload a file with data and macro. Then tell me STEP by STEP to replicate the error you get
Here is the link..
I am not getting any error. But when I enter rate it automatically gets copied to sheet2 even I enter "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear" in column O.
I am not getting any error. But when I enter rate it automatically gets copied to sheet2 even I enter "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear" in column O.
Registration date
Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 18, 2010 at 05:27 AM
Jun 18, 2010 at 05:27 AM
Lets see how good you are at spotting things
Fixed: No Date chenges in BTS & Euroclear
Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear
The first line is from your data
the 2nd line is from code
Spot the difference.:P
Fixed: No Date chenges in BTS & Euroclear
Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear
The first line is from your data
the 2nd line is from code
Spot the difference.:P
I found that already and I have altered and added new validation in the excel. But still it is not working... The data which is reflecting in column O is a old one...Please ignore it..Just check the validation it will be correct.
I found that already and I have altered and added new validation in the excel. But still it is not working... The data which is reflecting in column O is a old one...Please ignore it..Just check the validation it will be correct.
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 18, 2010 at 07:12 AM
Jun 18, 2010 at 07:12 AM
Check in which columns are you putting the comments,. It not O it is M
Please check the link.
I have saved with the codings. please check and tell where I am going wrong?
Please check the link.
I have saved with the codings. please check and tell where I am going wrong?
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 18, 2010 at 11:44 AM
Jun 18, 2010 at 11:44 AM
what to check, there is no data. Please put up a file with data and then give me a step by step. how to replicate what you are doing. Tell me cell address, text to address, order in which to go, sheet to go etc. and remove the wrongly placed macro too
See this excel. when I enter "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear" it is getting copied to sheet2. I have pasted the coding which you have given above...pls check and advise.
See this excel. when I enter "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear" it is getting copied to sheet2. I have pasted the coding which you have given above...pls check and advise.
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 18, 2010 at 02:36 PM
Jun 18, 2010 at 02:36 PM
This is what I did
1. open the workbook
2. went to tab SECS Data
3. saw the name in cell C2 (Sakthi) and saw the rate in E2 (5.1) and saw the comments in cell O2 (Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear)
4. saw the name in cell C3 (Ajeesh) and saw the rate in E3 (2.1) and saw the comments in cell O3 (Rate updated)
5. went to SECS Upload tab
6. saw the name in cell C2 (Sakthi) and saw the rate in E2 (5.1)
7. saw the name in cell C3 (Ajeesh) and saw the rate in E3 (2.1)
8. went to tab SECS Data and change E2 to 100 and E3 to 1000
9. went to SECS Upload tab
10 saw the rate values in E2 and E3. E2 remained 5.1 and E3 was changed to 1000
This is my step by step test. and it works as I think it should work.
NOW, if you dont think this is right or you did not get same result . PLEASE give me a STEP BY STEP as I just gave you.
1. open the workbook
2. went to tab SECS Data
3. saw the name in cell C2 (Sakthi) and saw the rate in E2 (5.1) and saw the comments in cell O2 (Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear)
4. saw the name in cell C3 (Ajeesh) and saw the rate in E3 (2.1) and saw the comments in cell O3 (Rate updated)
5. went to SECS Upload tab
6. saw the name in cell C2 (Sakthi) and saw the rate in E2 (5.1)
7. saw the name in cell C3 (Ajeesh) and saw the rate in E3 (2.1)
8. went to tab SECS Data and change E2 to 100 and E3 to 1000
9. went to SECS Upload tab
10 saw the rate values in E2 and E3. E2 remained 5.1 and E3 was changed to 1000
This is my step by step test. and it works as I think it should work.
NOW, if you dont think this is right or you did not get same result . PLEASE give me a STEP BY STEP as I just gave you.
Thanks for your detailed explanation Riz, But I am not expecting this.
If I Fill O2 as "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear" then that particular row should not get copied to sheet 2(SECS Upload ) even though if I fill the rate in that column.
I hope this clarifies you.
I dont want the rate to get amended if I change col O2 as Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear.
If I fill col O2 as Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear, then I dont want that row to get copied to sheet2..
If I Fill O2 as "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear" then that particular row should not get copied to sheet 2(SECS Upload ) even though if I fill the rate in that column.
I hope this clarifies you.
I dont want the rate to get amended if I change col O2 as Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear.
If I fill col O2 as Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear, then I dont want that row to get copied to sheet2..
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 21, 2010 at 05:24 AM
Jun 21, 2010 at 05:24 AM
Give me a step by step of how each sheet would look as I did.
Step 1: Go to sheet1, In first row update S.No, Value date, Requestor name,ISIN/CUSIP, CPN Rate column and in Column O select "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear".
Step2: Again Go to sheet1, In row 2 update S.No, Value date, Requestor name,ISIN/CUSIP, CPN Rate column and in Column O select "rate updated".
In first Step I have updated all the details and in col O I have selected as "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear". So that row should not get copied to sheet2.
In second step I have updated all the details and in col O I have selected as "Rate updated", so I want that row to get copy in sheet2.
So in sheet2 I need only the second row in which I have updated Col O as "Rate updated".
So the condition what I require is, if I select Col O as Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear, then it should not get copy to sheet2.
I hope this helps you to understand.
Step2: Again Go to sheet1, In row 2 update S.No, Value date, Requestor name,ISIN/CUSIP, CPN Rate column and in Column O select "rate updated".
In first Step I have updated all the details and in col O I have selected as "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear". So that row should not get copied to sheet2.
In second step I have updated all the details and in col O I have selected as "Rate updated", so I want that row to get copy in sheet2.
So in sheet2 I need only the second row in which I have updated Col O as "Rate updated".
So the condition what I require is, if I select Col O as Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear, then it should not get copy to sheet2.
I hope this helps you to understand.
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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Jun 21, 2010 at 09:36 AM
Jun 21, 2010 at 09:36 AM
OK if get this right
Step 1: Go to sheet1, In first row update S.No, Value date, Requestor name,ISIN/CUSIP, CPN Rate column and in Column O select "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear".
Step2: Again Go to sheet1, In row 2 update S.No, Value date, Requestor name,ISIN/CUSIP, CPN Rate column and in Column O select "rate updated".
Initially sheet 1 was showing ""Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear".
Then you changed that value to "rate updated"
so you dont want to copy the row, if that row held "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear" earlier, no matter what you changed including this "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear"
Question 1: is that correct. Then correct me, else answer the 2nd question
Question 2: is this was correct then
The problem in this case is that there is no easy way of know what column O held before you made all the changes. The more robust answer would be you add one more column or change the font color or some thing, that say that do not copy this row, no matter what is done on this row, Is that possible
Step 1: Go to sheet1, In first row update S.No, Value date, Requestor name,ISIN/CUSIP, CPN Rate column and in Column O select "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear".
Step2: Again Go to sheet1, In row 2 update S.No, Value date, Requestor name,ISIN/CUSIP, CPN Rate column and in Column O select "rate updated".
Initially sheet 1 was showing ""Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear".
Then you changed that value to "rate updated"
so you dont want to copy the row, if that row held "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear" earlier, no matter what you changed including this "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear"
Question 1: is that correct. Then correct me, else answer the 2nd question
Question 2: is this was correct then
The problem in this case is that there is no easy way of know what column O held before you made all the changes. The more robust answer would be you add one more column or change the font color or some thing, that say that do not copy this row, no matter what is done on this row, Is that possible
Yes you are right!! I dont want to copy the row, if that row held "Fixed: No Date changes in BTS & Euroclear" .
As you said I can add one more column at the last and update Do not copy, so that the particular row does not get copy to sheet2.
Can you provide me a coding for this?
As you said I can add one more column at the last and update Do not copy, so that the particular row does not get copy to sheet2.
Can you provide me a coding for this?
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Thursday January 28, 2010
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May 5, 2022
Jun 21, 2010 at 10:43 AM
Jun 21, 2010 at 10:43 AM
Can you add a new file with macro and the newly added column, so one can see how the file design
May 31, 2010 at 09:32 AM
Hence kindly guide me and provide me the exact macro coding for my case.
I have five columns say S.No,date,Name,Reference number and rate in both sheet1 and sheet2.
Now my requirement is, I need a macro to copy the details form sheet1 to sheet2 only if all the five columns get updated. if I didnt update rate in the rate column for a particular row then that particular row should not be copied to sheet2. Hope you get my point!!
Kindly help me to sort it out.
May 31, 2010 at 09:53 AM
Hence kindly guide me and provide me the exact macro coding for my case.
I have five columns say S.No,date,Name,Reference number and rate in both sheet1 and sheet2.
Now my requirement is, I need a macro to copy the details form sheet1 to sheet2 only if all the five columns get updated. if I didnt update rate in the rate column for a particular row then that particular row should not be copied to sheet2. Hope you get my point!!
Kindly help me to sort it out.1
May 31, 2010 at 12:49 PM