Can't install/download itunes
- Can't install/download itunes
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45 responses
if you are still having problems installing iTunes try this solution that I used for a family member having the same error:
go to start>>control panel>>user accounts >>create a new user account that has admin
in the new user account try to install iTunes for all users.
If it installs, log out and go to your usual account, check you have access to iTunes and can use the program, set it to find your music and create the library.
Once your happy its installed and fully working you can delete the spare user account that you made.
if you are still having problems installing iTunes try this solution that I used for a family member having the same error:
go to start>>control panel>>user accounts >>create a new user account that has admin
in the new user account try to install iTunes for all users.
If it installs, log out and go to your usual account, check you have access to iTunes and can use the program, set it to find your music and create the library.
Once your happy its installed and fully working you can delete the spare user account that you made.
everytime I try to download itunes when gets to 68% the download just stop.. someone help me, please!
>Click Tools
>Internet Options
>Make sure Temporary internet files, cookies and history boxes are all checked
>Click Delete
Now Download iTunes 8.0
it worked for me.
>Internet Options
>Make sure Temporary internet files, cookies and history boxes are all checked
>Click Delete
Now Download iTunes 8.0
it worked for me.
i download itunes and then it says something about win32 or something like that application cannot be recongised
i solved mine, go to start,,, run,,,, enter,, (hkey..localmachine)... then select software..lok for apple, and then delet ,,, make sure before u start download to delet all temp internet files..... it worked for me...
everytime I try to download itunes when gets to 68% the download just stop.. someone help me, please!
Mine was doing the exact same thing. Tried to download it for about a week. Must have tried about 15 times at least!! I tried all sorts of things but finally found something that worked. I downloaded mozilla firefox, then cleared my browsing history, that still didnt work but then I turned off my pop up blocker through tools and internet options on mozilla firefox and then when I tried again it worked straight away.
i thinkthe site is wacked I dont even get a download screen it says that is been down loaded but is no where to be foiubd
hi there I am Tashi.If U have a problem downloading using 64 bit os then install a soft ware to download like download accelerator plus and try downloading its very easy or change the downloading site it may have problems
I can download it but it wont install... Something about windows installer being incorrectly installed, but I dont know what that is, or how to fix it-HELP
I have found a solution and eventually itunes 8 worked. This is what I did but it might not work for everyone else. I had to uninstall any audio profiles (not including quicktime or itunes). Audio profiles include softwares such as skype or AIM. After I uniinstalled Skype, itunes finally downloaded fully. Before you uninstall any files, you should probably back up any important items on an external hard drive or a CD. Hope this helped!! :)
Before you do anything else, you can contact me by replying to my message
Before you do anything else, you can contact me by replying to my message
This is what I do to unistall an item...(windows vista)
start--> control panel --> Programs --> then you click on an app and say uninstall
I'm not sure why but aim and itunes worked on my old computer (windows 2000) but not on my computer with vista on it.
Before you install an earlier version I would copy all your media and stuff from itunes and put it all in a personal folder just to make sure that you have a backup. Although, if you ever install later versions of itunes your items are safe.
start--> control panel --> Programs --> then you click on an app and say uninstall
I'm not sure why but aim and itunes worked on my old computer (windows 2000) but not on my computer with vista on it.
Before you install an earlier version I would copy all your media and stuff from itunes and put it all in a personal folder just to make sure that you have a backup. Although, if you ever install later versions of itunes your items are safe.
my itunes wont down load I downloaded the new version of itunes and it said something about downloading a mobile thingy am not sure so I erased my itunes and quicktime just stayed on there I try to download itunes and it downloads and everything but than at the very end it was error try downloading again (i been trying to do this for 2 weeks now and it still says the same thing and am not sure what to do any more can you please help me thanks
Use a different web browser, I downloaded firefox and was able to download itunes with no trouble via that browser
IT Seems I cannot down load and install music and moves from my PC even though I have the access of broadband. How can you help
Go to
and download the tool and remove all your Itunes apps includin Bonjour and Quicktime.
Then reinstall the itunes 8.2
and download the tool and remove all your Itunes apps includin Bonjour and Quicktime.
Then reinstall the itunes 8.2
i have the same problem as well I will tell you if I find out
Guys, I found this on the Apple Website and my iTunes Download has Worked, may be the same for you, good luck.
1. Empty your Temp directory and restart
Choose Start > My Computer/Computer (or double-click My Computer on the Desktop).
In My Computer/Computer, open Local Disk C:.
Windows XP and Windows 2000: Open Documents and Settings.
Windows Vista: Open Users.
Double-click the folder that bears your username.
Windows Vista only: If you see an AppData folder, double-click it and skip to step 12. If you don't see an AppData folder, skip to step 9.
Windows XP only: If you see a Local Settings folder, skip to step 12. If you don't see a Local Settings folder, proceed to the next step.
Windows XP and Windows 2000: Choose Tools > Folder Options.
Windows Vista: Choose Organize > Folder and Search Options.
Select the "Show hidden files and folders" button.
Click OK.
Double-click Local Settings or Local folder (If on Windows Vista, you must first double-click the AppData folder). If Windows needs your permission to continue, click Continue.
Right-click on the Temp folder and on the shortcut menu, choose Delete.
In the confirmation dialog that appears, click Yes.
If you are unable to delete the Temp folder, close all programs, especially those in the Notification area (system tray) of the Windows Task bar shown below and repeat step 10.
Restart your computer.
2. Completely remove iTunes and QuickTime
For Windows XP, follow instructions in Remove and Reinstall iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP.
For Windows Vista, follow instructions in Remove and Reinstall iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista.
Note: Songs you purchased from the iTunes Store or imported from CDs are saved in your My Music folder by default and are not deleted by removing iTunes.
3. Clean up iTunes installer files on the computer
You can download the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility from Microsoft, which will clean up any leftover installer files that may be causing issues with your current installation. To do this:
Click here first, and read the important information about the software.
Click the "Download the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility package now" link on that page to download a file titled msicuu2.exe.
Open the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install it.
Choose Start > All Programs and then click Windows Install Cleanup; the Windows Installer Clean Up Utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
Select iTunes from the list and click Remove.
Click OK in the confirmation dialog that appears.
Repeat steps 5 and 6 if you have multiple iTunes entries listed.
Select QuickTime from the list and click Remove.
Click OK in the confirmation dialog that appears.
Repeat steps 8 and 9 if you have multiple QuickTime entries listed.
Click Exit.
Restart the computer.
4. Install the latest version of iTunes
1. Empty your Temp directory and restart
Choose Start > My Computer/Computer (or double-click My Computer on the Desktop).
In My Computer/Computer, open Local Disk C:.
Windows XP and Windows 2000: Open Documents and Settings.
Windows Vista: Open Users.
Double-click the folder that bears your username.
Windows Vista only: If you see an AppData folder, double-click it and skip to step 12. If you don't see an AppData folder, skip to step 9.
Windows XP only: If you see a Local Settings folder, skip to step 12. If you don't see a Local Settings folder, proceed to the next step.
Windows XP and Windows 2000: Choose Tools > Folder Options.
Windows Vista: Choose Organize > Folder and Search Options.
Select the "Show hidden files and folders" button.
Click OK.
Double-click Local Settings or Local folder (If on Windows Vista, you must first double-click the AppData folder). If Windows needs your permission to continue, click Continue.
Right-click on the Temp folder and on the shortcut menu, choose Delete.
In the confirmation dialog that appears, click Yes.
If you are unable to delete the Temp folder, close all programs, especially those in the Notification area (system tray) of the Windows Task bar shown below and repeat step 10.
Restart your computer.
2. Completely remove iTunes and QuickTime
For Windows XP, follow instructions in Remove and Reinstall iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP.
For Windows Vista, follow instructions in Remove and Reinstall iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows Vista.
Note: Songs you purchased from the iTunes Store or imported from CDs are saved in your My Music folder by default and are not deleted by removing iTunes.
3. Clean up iTunes installer files on the computer
You can download the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility from Microsoft, which will clean up any leftover installer files that may be causing issues with your current installation. To do this:
Click here first, and read the important information about the software.
Click the "Download the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility package now" link on that page to download a file titled msicuu2.exe.
Open the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install it.
Choose Start > All Programs and then click Windows Install Cleanup; the Windows Installer Clean Up Utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
Select iTunes from the list and click Remove.
Click OK in the confirmation dialog that appears.
Repeat steps 5 and 6 if you have multiple iTunes entries listed.
Select QuickTime from the list and click Remove.
Click OK in the confirmation dialog that appears.
Repeat steps 8 and 9 if you have multiple QuickTime entries listed.
Click Exit.
Restart the computer.
4. Install the latest version of iTunes
my itunes does not open it says downloading then run applictation and then it says that itunes was not download properly
what to do?
what to do?
man ive been trying forever to fix it but its not working glad im not the only one with this problem.I thought it was my computer.when I go to the apple website to try to download wont let only lets me choose it for windows 2000.and when I download that it give me itunes 7.3.i just bought a new ipod and version 7.3 wont work for please someone find an answer because this sucks!
I have been trying for days to install itunes. Apple won't help me because my ipod is out of warranty, even though I explained I am not having a problem with my iPod, but the SOFTWARE. I have deleted all apple files, emptied the recycle bin, uninstalled mcafee, updated windows, downloaded itunes again and it still has not installed. The error I am getting now is insufficient, I reloaded mcafee and haven't a clue what to try next. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks,
Go to apple's website. Click on the download tab. Choose to download just the Quicktime application. Follow that through to installation. Next go back to the apple site and click on download tab again, download itunes 8. ONce this is done make sure to run the download so it installs. After all is said and done itunes should open up for you. I think that apple mistakingly forgot to couple the quicktime application with the new version of apple's itunes when they put the new service update out. I hope that it works for you.
ok, so each time I open up itunes, or quicktime(i did what u said) a box pops up saying itunes(or quicktime) has encountered a problem and needs to close. we are sorry for the inconvenience. ive downloaded. uninstalled, reinstalled, and nothing works. please help! I JUST GOT A NANO FOR xmas, and I want music on it! please help, someone! oh, this has happened a million times, so please hurry.
Feb 15, 2010 at 02:40 PM
Mar 21, 2010 at 04:37 AM
i need 2 activate my iphone :(
Apr 6, 2010 at 01:10 AM
Apr 13, 2010 at 01:32 PM
>Click Tools
>Internet Options
>Make sure Temporary internet files, cookies and history boxes are all checked
>Click Delete
Now Download iTunes 8.0
it worked for me.
Apr 19, 2010 at 08:22 PM