Trouble Instal win Xp to HP Dv6 -2180el

DjLeco - Jun 5, 2010 at 10:14 AM
 djleco - Jun 5, 2010 at 07:20 PM
Hi, is any possibility to install windows Xp Sp3 original with licence on a laptop HP DV6-2180el?

I receive bluescreen,maybe needed AHCI drivers?
From whare I can download it?
Also video and other drivers tooo?
Thank you all!

1 response

Solved with here, followed exact stept with Nlite.

Also found all drivers for all hardware, for windowx xp.
Windows 7 is garbage with "administrator" needs to install or use a program.
Dead to B Gates, instead simplify software, it complicates alot...

if someone need xp drivers for HP Dv6-2180el, mail me to