Can't connect to linkskys

AP - Nov 22, 2008 at 10:41 AM
 AP - Nov 22, 2008 at 02:10 PM
I was a user of the wireless network linksys . Now, recently I noticed that my linksys network needed a WPA or WEP key . I was having the key but I have lost it somewhere . I searched it for a long time but i couldn't get it .Can anyone plzz help me by mailing me the key ????????

1 response

Hi AP,

You can change the wep key when you log on to the linksys router, usually found under when you connect to it by cable. Then it won't need the wep key, you know.

If you cannot log in anymore - e.g. because you lost your personal password as well - you can reset the modem fully by disconnecting the router fully (no electricity), pressing the reset button on the back and then start it up again while you hold the reset button for a certain time. Please see your manuals for details.
When this is done you can log in to the router (cabled connection) and set your security parameters again from scratch.

Hope this'll help. Success!
Hai drzekk ,
I am not using a modem or a cable . I am using USB Highpower Adapter 802.11G (AWUS036H) of the ALFA network series.So I was not able to do what u suggested .oops !I have one more problem .By using my device i have made a wireless network but i am not able toconnect to my wireless network but at the same time i am also able to connect to some other unsecure wireless networks .Can u plzzz help me to solve my this problem also ??????? plzzzzzzzz !!!!