Dell Inspiron 1545 wont start up

Nikkii - Jun 24, 2010 at 07:17 PM
 Nikkii - Jun 25, 2010 at 03:15 PM
I purchased a Dell Inspiron 1545 not even a year ago. I left it on sleep for the night so I could just open it up and do more of my work. The problem is it restarted when i opened it and after it went to restarting it would not fully open. I could not get to the main screen (your windows home screen) It gave me a confusing reason as to why it would not open and told me i had to ither restart normally or restart and diagnostic so i clicked that option and then told me I had to uninstall any anti-virus and disk defragmentation, ect ect. How am i supposed to uninstall when it wont even fully start up or go into safe mode???? What happened and why wont it do anything???

I cannot loose any of my music,pictures or anything else because all of my back up is clear across the state and i wont be able to get it for another year.


1 response

Blocked Profile
Jun 25, 2010 at 12:44 AM
Have you tried Safe Mode, Last Known Good Configuration or booting to your Operating System disk and doing a repair?
It only ran a scan and didn't fully complete it. Just gave an error code 0142. I had done nothing, nothing at all to make my computer fail like this i don't understand why it would just out of the blue pull this. Guess if you put it in sleep mode Dell's will fail. Last time I buy a Dell.

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