Unexpected J drive on my computer, can not...

linux7591 Posts 3 Registration date Sunday June 27, 2010 Status Member Last seen June 29, 2010 - Jun 28, 2010 at 06:01 PM
linux7591 Posts 3 Registration date Sunday June 27, 2010 Status Member Last seen June 29, 2010 - Jun 29, 2010 at 10:35 AM
Hello, if you are wondering what the full title is, here it is: unexpected J drive on my computer, can not access it. (actual title without period)

I have been trying to install Edbuntu (one of the many Linux operating systems) for some point already. In the process, I end up with two copies of Ubuntu (another one of the many Linux operating systems), both of which are 10.04 LTS. Next, I go into Windows XP to see what's going on with my computer. However, things get suspicious when i get a unknown drive J. (For unknown, it has a icon of a drive with a question mark icon next to it and has no title.) I try accessing it, but I get an error message. It looks like this: (estimate)

You can not access this drive. Please try again.

At the time this was posted, the J drive icon has dissapeared. Because I run Edbuntu from the live CD, any changes that are made are wiped out as soon as the system is off, so the problem is on Windows XP's end. The icon is probably still out there in Edbuntu. I will look there. If I can't get into it, my prediction is that drive J is actually Linux files, but i'm not so sure.

If you see this question after this is solved, please do not reply. I still have a lot of questions in mind, so advice is welcome anytime for the other questions until they are solved.


1 response

linux7591 Posts 3 Registration date Sunday June 27, 2010 Status Member Last seen June 29, 2010 1
Jun 29, 2010 at 10:35 AM
From what I have been seeing now, the problem is on Linux's end. (I can't put this question in both the Windows and Linux forums.) When I boot up my computer, when I get to the desktop, a dialog box appears saying Windows has finished installing new drivers and that I have to restart my computer in order for it to take effect. I tried it once. (manually, the official way: click start- click turn off computer- click restart.) No results, the dialog box appears once again. So, the solution is to probably restart for all the Linux files. (146 times or so, doubled because I have two copies of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.) Alternatively, I can restart from the dialog box.