HP Pavilion delayed Freeze

jon-ma Posts 2 Registration date Friday December 5, 2008 Status Member Last seen December 8, 2008 - Dec 6, 2008 at 01:22 PM
 JJ - Jan 25, 2010 at 09:39 AM

I am having trouble with my HP Pavilion. Everytime the computer is left for 15min or more, it freezes up as soon as you come back and try to open a programme. I have tried the usually clean up and also windows restore. It is also not allowing me to complete a restore..

Can anyone give some advice before I take it in to some shop.

Thank you Matt

3 responses

TheParoxysm Posts 169 Registration date Sunday December 7, 2008 Status Member Last seen March 25, 2011 74
Dec 8, 2008 at 01:01 AM
Well, I would do this. It will take roughly 15 minutes of your time though.

Disable any screensavers you may have on, then press ctrl-alt-delete.

In the Task Manager, click Processes.

Now, maximize this, and watch for any program that continually rises over a period of 15 minutes. If one gets really high, and then your computer freezes, that's called a memory leak.

Meaning, it uses Ram for one reason or another, and when it's done with it, it never releases it, but continually collects and locks it.

Just a program flaw.

Let us know how it works!
jon-ma Posts 2 Registration date Friday December 5, 2008 Status Member Last seen December 8, 2008
Dec 8, 2008 at 03:40 AM
Hi there, thank you for the help.

Should I be watching the CPU collum?? or the Memory collum in the task Manager

I found when the computer freezed up.. the "system Idlle Process" CPU was very high.. up to 90 and didnt come down. Also DFrgNtfs.exe got up to 15 CPU not long before it occurred.

In the Memory Collum.. svchost.exe gets up to 55.640K. not sure if that is normal or not?

Is there anything in particular I should be looking for?

Also, I have turned of the screen saver.. however the computer always goes into sleep mode due to power settings. And the problem always occures when the comp comes out of that sleep mode.
TheParoxysm Posts 169 Registration date Sunday December 7, 2008 Status Member Last seen March 25, 2011 74 > jon-ma Posts 2 Registration date Friday December 5, 2008 Status Member Last seen December 8, 2008
Dec 8, 2008 at 04:08 AM
The Memory Column is the one you should be watching, and the svchost.exe should be ignored, that's a system process.

Here's a long shot for you. Check into KB 943899, which may be why they
released the important update which may or may not help by installing from
Windows Update. Or if you are unlucky like me, the update caused the problem,
which is repaired by removing 943899 from the updates on your system.

That update configured how sleep mode was handled.
TheParoxysm Posts 169 Registration date Sunday December 7, 2008 Status Member Last seen March 25, 2011 74
Dec 8, 2008 at 04:12 AM

That link is a tutorial to help people who are having sleep mode Vista problems resolve them.

It is completely comprehensive and well written.

This is an old post but I just wanted to say thanks for the tutorial. It saved my friends computer!
