Joe the plumber - Dec 11, 2008 at 09:24 PM
xpcman Posts 19528 Registration date Wednesday October 8, 2008 Status Contributor Last seen June 15, 2019 - Feb 28, 2010 at 07:37 PM
Hi, im not really techy into this computer software thing, I own a Dell Dimension E521 with Windows Vista Home edition, my system specs are:
Processor: AMD Athlon (tm) 64 Processor 3200+ 2.00 GHz
Memory : 446 MB
System type: 32-bit Operating System

and its horribly slow, any program that you might wanna open takes forever, when Im online its extremely slow, (I run an at&t wireless USB Mercury air card) I have Word, Power point, exel, outlook, all the basic programs, and every time I attempt to open one of them its extremely slow.

I have tried CCcleaner, its great, it deleted all the trashy content, defragment my disk, change my start up settings and took all the uneeded ones out and left all the basic ones, that allowed a faster start up, deleted all the uneeded programs, deleted "limewire" its the worst thig ever happened to me, I deleted a "Blackbird" from my PC.

I have browsed online and found that the hard drive "RAM" has alot to do with it, I found some great 'RAM' on ebay, l found one that has the following:

SAMSUNG 1TB Terabyte SATA Hard Drive 7200RPM 32MB Cache
Average Latency 4.17 ms
Average Seek Time 8.9ms
Cache/Buffer Size 32MB
Compliant Standards S.M.A.R.T
Dimensions WxDxH 101.5 x 147.0 x 26.1 mm
Form Factor 3.5"-internal
Formatted Capacity 1 TB
Interface Type SATA 3G
Spindle Speed 7200 RPM
Warranty 3 Years
Weight 640 g

Detail Specifications
Capacity -- 1 TB
Interface -- Serial ATA 3.0 Gbps
Buffer DRAM Size -- 32 MB
Byte per Sector -- 512 bytes
Rotational Speed -- 7200 RPM
Average Seek time(typical) -- 8.9 ms
Average Latency -- 4.17 ms
Data Transfer Rate / Media to/from Buffer(Max.) -- 175 MB/sec
Data Transfer Rate / Buffer to/from Host(Max.) -- 300 MB/sec
Drive Reday Time(typical) -- 12 sec
Non-recoverable Read Error -- 1 sector in 10^15 bits
Start/Stop Cycles -- 50,000
Idle -- 2.70 Bel
Performance Seek -- 2.90 Bel
Dimension (WxDxH) -- 101.5 x 147.0 x 26.1 mm
Weight (avg.) -- 640 g
Warranty - 3 Year

so Im wondering if its possible to replace my RAM to it, and how can I upgrade my PC OS from 32-bit to 64-bit

The mainly reason I want to do this is because
first, I all ready own the PC
second, I have all ready spent alot of money in this PC, SOFTWARE, internal DVD burner, the anty virus to kill the blackbird, etc,
I really like the design of the PC lol
and because my brother gave it to me before he passed away....

The main things I wanna use this computer is to:
Browse online
Video Chat
Play You Tube
any video File
iTunes for my iPhone

Store videos, music, pictures, data, extremely heavy DATA, burn CDS and DVD's.
play games
watch DVD's


I will really apreciatte your time and help!!!

2 responses

xpcman Posts 19528 Registration date Wednesday October 8, 2008 Status Contributor Last seen June 15, 2019 1,824
Dec 11, 2008 at 10:14 PM
You are confused with Hard disk space and RAM memory. You don't need a 1 TB hard disk - this will NOT speed up your computer.
What you need is to upgrade with 2GB of ram. Dell says you need two 1GB DDR2 memory sticks ( PC2-6400 800 Mhz). You currently have two 256 MB memory sticks and should be able to add two additional 1 GB sticks. just be sure to buy DDR2 memory with 800Mhz speed (also called PC2-6400). Be careful to ground yourself before you handle the memory and to unplug the PC before inserting the memory sticks. See if a experienced friend can help you with the install.

Vista will run much faster with 2 + GB of memory. But, the CPU is not very fast and the onboard video card will not support the latest games.
why would you tell him to unplug his pc
i read on some tech expert site to leave it plugged in unless you dont have a static band thing but turned off so its grounded so you dont short any hardware out reducing life or something like that and NOT to change pc parts on carpet because of static anyway just thought id throw that in even though its a old post
xpcman Posts 19528 Registration date Wednesday October 8, 2008 Status Contributor Last seen June 15, 2019 1,824 > pcx
Feb 28, 2010 at 07:37 PM
That is out of date advice. As I said modern Motherboards apply power to the RAM slots even then they are off. The rest of the advice is accurate about static discharge.
You seem to be confusing RAM, hard drive size, and hard drive cache. If your current hard drive has an extremely small cache, this may lead to it taking longer to read files. Also, with Windows Vista, you should have at least 1Gb of RAM. I would recommend two 512Mb sticks, or two 1Gb sticks as an upgrade, so you can coninue using the RAM in dual-channel mode, if you only buy one stick, it will cut the speed of your RAM in half.