Please Help! Excel Formula needed!
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2 responses
date issued invoice no gross net vat date due date paid total outstanding
8/1/2010 aaa 15 10 5 9/1/2010 8/30/2010 45
8/2/2010 bbb 15 10 5 9/2/2010 8/30/2010
8/3/2010 ccc 15 10 5 9/3/2010 9/1/2010
9/3/2010 ddd 30 20 10 10/3/2010
9/4/2010 eee 30 20 10 10/4/2010
9/5/2010 fff 30 20 10 10/5/2010
9/6/2010 fff 30 20 10 10/6/2010
The formula for 'total outstanding" is: =SUMIF(G2:G8,">0",C2:C8)
Am I close? I didn't add the gross back in as I wasn't sure what you meant.
8/1/2010 aaa 15 10 5 9/1/2010 8/30/2010 45
8/2/2010 bbb 15 10 5 9/2/2010 8/30/2010
8/3/2010 ccc 15 10 5 9/3/2010 9/1/2010
9/3/2010 ddd 30 20 10 10/3/2010
9/4/2010 eee 30 20 10 10/4/2010
9/5/2010 fff 30 20 10 10/5/2010
9/6/2010 fff 30 20 10 10/6/2010
The formula for 'total outstanding" is: =SUMIF(G2:G8,">0",C2:C8)
Am I close? I didn't add the gross back in as I wasn't sure what you meant.