Wireless connection issues

Pixie - Sep 15, 2010 at 08:47 AM
 Blocked Profile - Sep 17, 2010 at 05:20 AM
I'm trying to get the internet on an HP laptop (c.2years old) from a D-Link wireless router. If I disable all of the security on the wireless connection (i.e. no password required) everything works fine. With password enabled (i.e. encrypted signal) the laptop will "connect" but you can't view the internet. I'm told this is due to an "encryption incompatibility" but neither my broadband provider tech people nor HP's seem to be able to solve this issue. HELP! If you can help you will be richly rewarded (probably in heaven). Seriously, I will be very very grateful.


1 response

Blocked Profile
Sep 15, 2010 at 09:19 AM
Im assuming you have XP.

go to start > control panel > network connections > wireless connections

and delete all the profiles you have for wireless connections.

then, put the password back onto your router and input the key you have setup.
i would use WPA and try using this with your laptop.

if this fails you could always try going back to the profiles and editing them. make sure encryption type matches that of your router.
Thank you - the lap top runs Windows Vista. Does your advice change?! How do I check/change the encryption settings?
Blocked Profile
Sep 17, 2010 at 05:20 AM
when in vista, go start globe > connect to and right click your wireless then go properties.

there should be an option in there for encryption type.

you could also try deleting the wireless profile and recreating.

start > control panel > network and sharing center

on the left side there should be something like "manage wireless connections"

you should see a list of wireless profiles.

delete them all and try connecting to your wireless again.