Question on excel database search
I'm familiar with the vlookup function in excel. However, it only allows you to compare one column in a table and return value from another column of the table. Is there anyway to do the following:
Table A has column 1, 2, 3. Table B has column 4, 5. Return the value of column 3 only if both column 1 matches column 4 and column 2 matches column 5 in that particular row?
Many thanks.
I'm familiar with the vlookup function in excel. However, it only allows you to compare one column in a table and return value from another column of the table. Is there anyway to do the following:
Table A has column 1, 2, 3. Table B has column 4, 5. Return the value of column 3 only if both column 1 matches column 4 and column 2 matches column 5 in that particular row?
Many thanks.
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2 responses
Registration date
Thursday January 28, 2010
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May 5, 2022
Sep 21, 2010 at 12:49 PM
Sep 21, 2010 at 12:49 PM
The most easy way would be if you can add a formula based column in your table A as
=A1 & "|" & B1 (lets say its in G1 cell)
then when you do a look up you can have
=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(D1 & "|" & E1, G:G,0)),"", INDIRECT("C" & MATCH(D1 & "|" & E1, G:G,0)))
DISCLAIMER: I have not tested it.
I am sure you would be able to make it work, in case there is an error
=A1 & "|" & B1 (lets say its in G1 cell)
then when you do a look up you can have
=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(D1 & "|" & E1, G:G,0)),"", INDIRECT("C" & MATCH(D1 & "|" & E1, G:G,0)))
DISCLAIMER: I have not tested it.
I am sure you would be able to make it work, in case there is an error
you can nest the vlookup such as:=IF(VLOOKUP(ItemtoLookfor,threetable,2,FALSE)=VLOOKUP(ItemtoLookfor,twotable,2,FALSE),VLOOKUP(B2,threetable,3,FALSE),"n/abbb")
this is in cell b5
Item to lookup aa
lookup in 3 col table 10
lookup in 2 col table 10
If items agree, then look up 11 << cell b5
table 3 col
1 2 3
aa 10 11
b 20 13
c 30 15
d 40 17
table 3 col 4 5
aa 10
b 25
c 30
d 45
this is in cell b5
Item to lookup aa
lookup in 3 col table 10
lookup in 2 col table 10
If items agree, then look up 11 << cell b5
table 3 col
1 2 3
aa 10 11
b 20 13
c 30 15
d 40 17
table 3 col 4 5
aa 10
b 25
c 30
d 45