Amanda - Oct 13, 2010 at 10:25 AM
 RobertC - Oct 13, 2010 at 06:04 PM
I am a teacher. I have a list of all the students in the freshman class and I am trying to calculate their GPA. Problem is that each students grade in one class is listed as a line item. Also not all students have the same number of classes. Some may have 4 some my have 5 and some may have 7. It just depends. I did a VLOOKUP to convert their letter grades to numberical grades on a 4 point scale. What I am having a hard time with is coming up with a simpler way to average each students GPA without having to average all 400 students in the class. Thanks so much for any help!!!

Here is an example of the first few students...

First Name Mark
SamanthaA 4
SamanthaB 3
SamanthaC 2
SamanthaC 2
SamanthaC 2
SamanthaD 1
SamanthaD 1
Alejandro A 4
Alejandro B 3
Alejandro F 0
Alejandro F 0
Sarah A 4
Sarah A 4
Sarah A 4
Sarah B 3
Jonathan A 4
Jonathan A 4
Jonathan B 3
Jonathan B 3
Jonathan B 3
Jonathan B 3
Jonathan C 2

1 response

Make a Loop that while X < (the max classes), to scan the cell's and if its <> "" then take the value copy it over to another sheet; also an integer that gets bumped up 1 every time it loops so you know how many classes and move the number to a cell in the data table, if it is = "" then move your focus down 1 so you can differentiate each kids grades for GPA calculation, and the integer that is getting bumped, set it back to 0

then make a similar thing to read your values and do the math...

If you need help with the coding itself there are lots of things online, depending on my freetime I might post some :)