3 laptops only two work at one time

dan - Dec 30, 2008 at 01:14 PM
 Nick - Jan 1, 2009 at 11:07 AM
I am using a Linksys WRT 54 GS with one outside internet cable connection and want to have my business laptop, my daughter's (sony Viao) laptop and my Mac work wirelessly.

My business and Mac work fine, my daughter's laptop and Mac work fine, the problem is when my Dell D610 and her Sony Viao get on the Sony knocks me off, breaks my VPN connection and I cannot get back on until she turns her laptop off.

I am not sure if it is signal strength or somehow we look like conflicting IP's

Any ideas?

1 response

Now, I am certainly not an expert on the subject, but when I got a new laptop recently we already had another laptop and a Wii running on our wireless-G router. A familty friend of ours, who IS an expert on the subject told me that first of all the specific router I had, a Belkin, was known for problems, but also that sometimes wireless-G routers cannot handle too much bandwidth. We unplugged the Wii and turned off the switch on the other laoptop and then it worked fine, so it was the bandwidth.
Our simple fix: we got a wireless-N. It's faster, and it handles better. They can be purchased relatively cheaply at Circiut City,

Sorry if my solution is completely and totally unhelpful and irrelevant!