Sound Drivers Problem with Hp 530 laptop

Niceguy - Jan 2, 2009 at 01:07 AM
jmp59 Posts 29287 Registration date Tuesday June 8, 2004 Status Contributor Last seen November 25, 2015 - Jan 2, 2009 at 04:52 AM
I re-installed win xp on my hp laptop 530 with its re-installation CD's that came with it, but the sound drivers appear to be install at the device manager, but still no sound and I cant play anything( no sound icon at the task bar), if I try playing music on media player it says "There's a problem with your sound divice". I even tried downlaoding the drivers from the net but all I get is "Could not find the MEDIA device for this driver" when I try to install the drivers. And YES I am sure that the drivers are for a Hp 530 laptop...Please can anyone help me??

2 responses

Hi dear friend,

Sound Drivers Problem with Hp 530 laptop does't match or thatways, log on google u can download free sound drivers

jmp59 Posts 29287 Registration date Tuesday June 8, 2004 Status Contributor Last seen November 25, 2015 249
Jan 2, 2009 at 04:52 AM

I presume u did not install UAA before Conexant

1- Uninstall ur current sound card.
2- Run first the UAA driver, then the Conexant one.