Pendrive not recognised

somu - Jul 17, 2011 at 06:19 AM
 Anonymous User - Jul 17, 2011 at 06:27 AM
plz tell me that when i plug my pen drive in pc it displsy the message that USB not recognised plz tell me what i should to do

1 response

Anonymous User
Jul 17, 2011 at 06:27 AM

Try this 1

1) Turn off your computer---> Un-plug the power cord of your computer for about

15 minutes --> Plug the power cables back--->Switch ON your computer.

The reason is the windows keeps the USB devices cache stored in some chip.

When some entry goes wrong, it remains there and sometimes will not get

flushed even on shutting down the your computer. So removing the power cord

for few mins results in discharge completely and the entries are freshly created.

2) If the problem still exists then click on the below link

Follow the instructions given in Method 3.

Good Luck