Changin format of date in excel

Kasey - Oct 19, 2011 at 04:11 PM
 Annie - Oct 20, 2011 at 04:41 AM

Trying to chang the date format in 2007 Excel. The date looks like 05 Oct 2011/0630 and I was wanting 10/5/2011 6:30... Any help greatly appreciated.


2 responses

Alright now that I've kinda stepped away... I have text that is displayed as "05 Oct 2011/0630" and I'm trying to into a date format like "05 Oct 2011 6:30" I've been trying just to do a mass Find by entering"?? Oct 2011/????" because all the dates are different but from Oct, but I need to enter a : into the time. But when I go to replace, it inserts "?? Oct ???? ??:??". Is any characters used to insert the data from the cell back into the cell, if you know what I'm shooting for here
Ended up just using the A2=Replace(A1,12,1" ") and then using it again =Replace(A2,15,0,":") then copied all 1000 some cells and pasted special with value.

A1=05 Oct 2011/0630
A2=Replace(A1,12,1" ")
A3=Replace(A2,15,0,":") looked like 05 Oct 2011 06:30

The Replace formula is =REPLACE(Old_text, Start_num, Num_chars, New_text)
=Replace(A1,12,1" ")
Old_Text is the cell with the text you want to copy.
Start_num is the position in the cell you want to start.
Num_chars is the Number of Characters you wish to delete out of cell from the Start_num,
New_text is the text you want to go into the Start_num.
YOU can use substitute function also.
A1=05 Oct 2011/0630
A2=substitute(A1,"/ "," ")

otherwise use now function and do paste special with values and edit as per your requirement.
without manually changing each individual cell