DualMonitors screwed up second display

pharmer - Oct 24, 2011 at 05:38 PM
 Blocked Profile - Oct 25, 2011 at 01:30 AM

I tried to set up dual monitor mode for a ppt presentation at work and everything went wonky.

At first everything was normal and the ppt was displayed on both my laptop and the projector. However, I tried to change the settings to get the dual monitor mode where I could see notes on the laptop. Somewhere around the point of checking the "Extend my desktop" box for the second display things went wrong.

Now I can either display my desktop/powerpoint (1) on the laptop (nothing porjected) (2) on the projector (with nothing on laptop) or (3) desktop viewable on laptop but projector displaying what looks like it might be the background but all weird looking! (even shows this when another window is open on the laptop desktop)... it sort of looks like when your computer doesnt have the video driver

I can cycle through the previous three displays with the function F8 command.

I would like to revert back to having the plain old presentation on both laptop and projector but I don't know how. Undoing what I had changed did not work so unless there is a quick fix I feel like I must continue to pursue the dual monitor mode but I would rather not because thats what screwed things up in the first place!

Does anyone know how to revert to the default of having the presentation on both displays? Or what can be done to continue what I started and get one displaying the presentation and the other the notes?

LAPTOP:Dell Latitude D630
I'm pretty sure it's Microsoft Powerpoint 2007

1 response

Blocked Profile
Oct 25, 2011 at 01:30 AM
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