Conditional formatting and IF statements
- Apply conditional formatting to the selected cells so cells with a value greater than 10 are formatted using a yellow fill with dark yellow text
- Yellow light on touchpad - Guide
- Clear only the formatting from the selected cell (leaving the content) - Guide
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- How to apply @ in laptop - Guide
- Filezilla dark mode - Guide
2 responses
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Sunday September 12, 2010
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December 27, 2022
Jul 17, 2012 at 09:11 AM
Jul 17, 2012 at 09:11 AM
Hi Darren,
Using more then 3 statements using conditional formatting is a common problem.
Try this link:
Best regards,
Using more then 3 statements using conditional formatting is a common problem.
Try this link:
Best regards,
Hi Trowa
I have put nothing in the cell with an = sign
I went to the Format tab, Conditional formatting and then just filled in the relevant boxes to allow excel to then change the cell colour based on the information I manually enter on the previous cell.
I would like to apologise if I sound extremely stupid but I really am an amateur with excel
Do I need to remove all of the conditonal formatting I have input to allow the code to work?
I have put nothing in the cell with an = sign
I went to the Format tab, Conditional formatting and then just filled in the relevant boxes to allow excel to then change the cell colour based on the information I manually enter on the previous cell.
I would like to apologise if I sound extremely stupid but I really am an amateur with excel
Do I need to remove all of the conditonal formatting I have input to allow the code to work?
Jul 24, 2012 at 05:54 AM
Jul 24, 2012 at 09:05 AM
Could you post the formula's you are using in conditional format + the forth one.
Also tell me which cells the conditional format is applied to.
Best regards,
Jul 25, 2012 at 03:07 AM
I am not using formulas. I have conditionally formatted a cell so that it changes colours based on the information that I am putting in manually from a previous column. So for example if i manually type into cell A1 82% I have conditionally formatted cell B2 to either change to red if it is below 82%. I have added a second conditional format which if B2 is =82% this will change to yellow as it is the same score and if it is anything above 82% the 3rd condition is to change the cell colour to show orange, The problem I encounter is if the previous score is less than 100% and then I get a score of 100% the cell colour changes to orange as it is an increase. What I want to happen is for any cells that contain 100% to change to green. I will only be using a certain range of cells for 10 customers over a 12 month period. I must admit I would call myself an amateur with Excel and googled if it was possible to add a 4th conditional format on Excel 2003 and this seemed to be the most useful forum out of the lot of them.
Jul 26, 2012 at 09:42 AM
Basically anything with an = in front of your criteria means it is a formula.
So your situation is like:
Conditonal format is applied to B2.
To make this work automatically right-click on the sheets tab and select view code.
Paste the following code in the big white field:
Now change the value in either A1 or B2 and see if the colorcoding works.
PS. I assumed you formatted the cells as Percentage.
Best regards,
Jul 27, 2012 at 06:13 AM
I have now removed the conditional formatting and have used the codes you have provided and it works perfectly however I dont know what the colour code is for the lighter shade of green which is the colour I need (lime green). As the colour code you provided was a dark green. I am currently in work and having some network issues so would like to apologise if you are receiving duplicate messages from me
I also have a further question. The code you have provided I implemented it for just one cell to try and use it. I have cells that I need to use from varying areas on the spread sheet
Would I need to write 10 of these codes to allow me to do it for each cell down from the one above or is there a way of doing it to include all the 10 cells
On the sheet I am using I need to use the information to change the cell colour from cell F4 down to F13 from the information that is in cell C4 down to C13.
and also would I need to write 12 seperate codes to allow me to do it for the 12 seperate months or can I use the one code but add all the varying cell ranges
I assumed this would work but its causing problems
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("F4:F13")) Is Nothing Then
If Intersect(Target, Range("C4:C13")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
End If
If Range("F4:F13").Value < Range("C4:C13").Value Then Range("F4:F13").Interior.ColorIndex = 3
If Range("F4:F13").Value = Range("C4:C13").Value Then Range("F4:F13").Interior.ColorIndex = 6
If Range("F4:F13").Value > Range("C4:C13").Value Then Range("F4:F13").Interior.ColorIndex = 45
If Range("F4:F13").Value = 1 Then Range("F4:F13").Interior.ColorIndex = 10
End Sub