PC restart on window XP logo, repeatedly

rayaus - Mar 13, 2013 at 04:19 PM
 rayauys - Mar 16, 2013 at 03:19 PM
i have problem, my PC restart on window XP logo, repeatedly. i used another HDD on my PC works o.k, & when i connect my old infected HDD on another PC it goes to the same problem i connected with the external HDD connector devise on window 7. Then i try to fresh Window, it goes blue Screen after loading files, then i connect both HDD on my PC with new Window on new HDD, still the same problem PC restart every time on window XP logo. every time i connect my HDD it restared on window XP logo,
I have very valuable data on that plz help me.

2 responses

xpcman Posts 19528 Registration date Wednesday October 8, 2008 Status Contributor Last seen June 15, 2019 1,824
Mar 13, 2013 at 05:54 PM
You probably need to change the "boot order" in the BIOS so the hard drive with the working Windows version is the 1st drive it boots from.

If you are using older PATA hard drives then you might need to change the jumpers so that one drive is "master" and the other is "slave". If both a "master" drives then you can have booting problems.

Good Luck
i already do this, i have gx270, i connect HDD to GX280 it occur same problem!
i connect it to secondary master, pc goes to xp logo, then blue screen show suddenly 7 restarted again & again!