How to go to a particular cell while input its content in a box

vinaymaithani Posts 4 Registration date Monday April 14, 2014 Status Member Last seen April 17, 2014 - Apr 17, 2014 at 03:55 AM
 Blocked Profile - Apr 17, 2014 at 04:30 PM
Hello Trowa & Experts,

I have an excel data sheet with columns 250 odd.
Column headers have numbers like 100,101,102,103 and so on till 250 plus.
Under each column Header data is entered in 10 rows which are in date format.

Is it possible to go to a particular Column Header '178' (since there are so many columns) say with entry 178..........after we enter 178 in cell A1.?


In A1 i enter 189 then the selection will go to 189 Column header ?



3 responses

Blocked Profile
Apr 17, 2014 at 12:55 PM
Ok, give this a shot, paste into the VBA Code Pane. Let us know how it works:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim thecolumn
thecolumn = Cells(1, 1).Value
'MsgBox (thecolumn)
Cells(1, thecolumn).Select
End Sub

Very Simple.

vinaymaithani Posts 4 Registration date Monday April 14, 2014 Status Member Last seen April 17, 2014
Apr 17, 2014 at 01:56 PM
Thanks ac3mark,

Love the quote of yours !

Thanks for the code and it works too, but i have an exception for it as well.

My data is arranged in columns but the column headers have data as '100', '101' till '250'.
Now can the same code be modified so that i can enter only the data and the cursor moves to the corresponding column position.

Do you get the requirement ?

Blocked Profile
Apr 17, 2014 at 04:30 PM
So, your first column is labled as column 100. Take the code and subtract an offset number from the data entered, would that work?

thecolumn = Cells(1, 1).Value - 98

...or some other OFFEST value?

Notice in my example, the first column is reserved for entry, so the offset number would now 98 as the column labeled 100 is in the second position of the indexed columns.

It works for me.

Or, are you asking to select the whole column, not just the cell?

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