My laptop turn on automatically without boot

makis987 Posts 2 Registration date Thursday January 8, 2015 Status Member Last seen January 8, 2015 - Jan 8, 2015 at 01:45 AM
R2D2_WD Posts 3606 Registration date Monday September 1, 2014 Status Member Last seen February 20, 2017   - Jan 9, 2015 at 03:02 AM
I have Compaq Presario CQ70-150EV with the following issue: suddenly one day my latop screen freeze when i was on bios (i didn't change anything). after i close my laptop (unplugged the charger because i can't do from the power button) it never boot again. Now the laptop turn on automatically as i plugged the charger into my laptop (wihout battery), without prsseing the power button. The laptop won't boot the led is on and the fan woring and i hear the dvd check, no noise (beep) sounds. Nothing appears on screen. I try the following:

1. connect to another screen

2. remove the ram and put one each time to different position

3. replace the cpu with another sam (i order one second hand)

5. replace the motherboard with another same ( i order one second hand)

can you help me? is anything i can do before i quit?

is possible the power jack have a problem. if i change it the boot problem will solve?

1 response

R2D2_WD Posts 3606 Registration date Monday September 1, 2014 Status Member Last seen February 20, 2017   155
Jan 8, 2015 at 03:06 AM
Hi Makis,

You have done some pretty good troubleshooting and it may bee a power jack issue, because as far as I see it, the laptop is getting enough power to spin fans but it may not be enough to boot the system.
I am concerned why is that power button not working and how is that you get the laptop starting without pressing the button. Is it stuck? If it is as constantly pressed, you will have difficulties booting.
Have you fixed it when changing the motherboard?

Hope this helps
makis987 Posts 2 Registration date Thursday January 8, 2015 Status Member Last seen January 8, 2015
Jan 8, 2015 at 04:22 AM
no i haven't fixed when i change the motherboard.
also the button is not constantly pressed as i disconnect the button and even then when i plugged the charger the laptop power up.
R2D2_WD Posts 3606 Registration date Monday September 1, 2014 Status Member Last seen February 20, 2017   155
Jan 9, 2015 at 03:02 AM
I believe your Compaq comes with two slots for RAM memory, have you tried starting the laptop with just one memory stick? You have already done a RAM slot switching but that may not give results, if one of the sticks is faulty. So, I would check the RAM first and after that think about the power jack.