Diskette drive 0 seek failure

missbananafly Posts 2 Registration date Thursday March 19, 2009 Status Member Last seen March 19, 2009 - Mar 19, 2009 at 07:28 PM
 Rpalmer78 - Nov 29, 2016 at 02:24 PM
Hello, I just installed a ram upgrade to a Dell Dimension C521. On start up I now get Diskette drive 0 seek failure. I have tried every solution (that I am technically capable off) and nothing changes the error message. Mind you when the message does appear at start up pressing F1 to ignore fires up the computer and everything appears to work just fine.

3 responses

Diskette drive 0 seek failure

I had the exact same problem after I upgraded my RAM for my Dell Dimension C521. I also recently wiped my hard drive due to excessive lag time (S......l.....o.....w). Adding RAM has made a world of difference."

Here is how I fixed my problem.

Choose F2
On the left margin there is "System, Drives, etc."
Choose "Drives"
Choose "Diskette Drive" not "Drive 0 or 1 : SATA-0 or 1"
Switch to "USB" from "Internal"
Go to "Onboard Devices" in the left hand margins
Check that "USB Contoller" is turned "On"
"ECS" & "Save & Exit"

The other posts in different forums say to F2 & load default, integral & FDC or FDS, etc., did not show up as options on my Dell Dimension C521. We must have a different setup or system. I really don't know. Hope it works for ya. Good Luck & à votre santé.
YOUR GOOD!!! Wasnt my thread but had the same issue. PROBLEMED SOLVED!! THANKS BRO.
Thank you so much bro you really helped me out alot