Computer restarting automatically

AetherWingFail Posts 3 Registration date Sunday October 18, 2015 Status Member Last seen October 18, 2015 - Oct 18, 2015 at 02:12 PM
BrianGreen Posts 1005 Registration date Saturday January 17, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen September 30, 2021 - Oct 19, 2015 at 06:37 PM
Okay, after looking at some posts on this website I've realized that you guys are pretty smart and that it's probably worth me making an account and sharing the problem which is happening to my PC which started last week.

Onto my problem - My Computer is restarting itself whenever I turn it on, it loads up windows for roughly 5 minutes before just turning itself off & on again. However, it's not like a regular restart where it comes up with the words "Restarting" on your screen, it's much worse as both of my monitors just suddenly turn black and the fans on my computer stop spinning, then a couple of seconds later they begin spinning again and my computer begins to boot up once more. This is as if the power on the computer is suddenly being turned on/off which is very weird.

This began happening last week where my computer would do this roughly once every 2 hours, it was bad but I just thought it may be temporary and that it would go eventually so I might as well just ignore it(It's only now that I regret my ignorance). Sadly the time between this happening has shrunk to the point where my computer won't be on for more than 5 minutes without it restarting which is sad especially as a Student who relies on that computer for Schoolwork.

Another weird part about is the fact that when I boot up the computer in safe mode, it doesn't happen which suggests to me(I'm pretty dumb when it comes to computers so I imagine this is false) that in fact it's a software issue as opposed to a hardware issue. I've never had any problems with my pc overheating in the past.

I'd appreciate any support you guys can give me on this, I'm getting a little desperate as I use and rely on my Computer daily and for it suddenly to stop working has a big effect on my life.

My Specs:
MSI Gtx 970 Graphics Card
Intel i7-4790k
MSI Motherboard(If this is relevant I can probably find out the exact spec of it if needed)
16 GB of Kingston Ram

Let me know if anything else needs to be noted, I use Windows 7 as my OS.

If you need to know some backstory of my Computer is that I first purchased it 3 years ago and it worked fine, the in June I made some upgrades on it where I swapped out the Graphics Card, CPU, Motherboard and PSU which has been perfect until now where I've encountered a huge problem.

I'd appreciate any support you guys can give me on this, I'm getting a little desperate as I use and rely on my Computer daily and for it suddenly to stop working has a big effect on my life. I apologise that I'm not too good with computers, all I really use it for is Schoolwork & Playing computer games, I also apologise if this isn't wrote very well I've never been very good when it comes to writing long passages like this.

Thanks for reading and I hope one of you out there can help me with my problem - AetherWingFail(Tom)

3 responses

BrianGreen Posts 1005 Registration date Saturday January 17, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen September 30, 2021 149
Oct 18, 2015 at 02:33 PM
Hi Tom,

Its good things work in safe mode. All is not lost ... yet.

This can be due to malware, a bad Windows update, or a program that starts when you boot the machine.

My initial guess is a virus. In safe mode do an antivirus check (you do have antivirus program on your machine I hope. If not there are some free ones on the internet (like AVG, Avast, or Avira) - you will need to start in "safe mode with networking to download on on that machine if you dont already have one.)

The next guess is a bad program on startup. Safe mode doesnt open everything when it boots. Lets make the first stage in getting normal mode a bit more like Safe mode ...

In Save Mode click on the Start button and type "msconfig". In a short time the program will open. Click on the startup tab, make a note of anything that doesnt have a tick in the box next to it, and then untick all the boxes. Press "OK" and the machine will need to restart. When the machine restarts hopefully it will stay on. If it does it shuts down because one of these startup programs is causing the shutdown. Now its a case of switching them on one by one until the bad one (ones) are discovered and then either reinstalling it or not using it will solve the issue.

Good luck. Let me know how you get on.
AetherWingFail Posts 3 Registration date Sunday October 18, 2015 Status Member Last seen October 18, 2015
Oct 18, 2015 at 03:31 PM
Thanks for the help BrianGreen however it has proved to be unsuccessful, the computer is still restarting :(.

I used an anti-virus software which I had already installed which notified me that I had 0 threats so then I proceeded with your msconfig idea which sadly didn't work(Although my PC now loads up 10x quicker so I've got you to than for that).

One positive I can take from this however is that I was literally able to browse the internet in Safe mode as much as I wanted without crashing, I was able to sit there and browse websites like Reddit without a problem, the computer only restarted once I switched it back to normal mode.

Do you have any idea what steps I should now take in an attempt to fix this issue? I imagine it is indeed software related if I can use the internet as much as I want in Safe mode.

I do seriously appreciate your help though, it's nice knowing that there are people out there who are willing to go out of their way to share their expertise and help others around the world for no charge.
AetherWingFail Posts 3 Registration date Sunday October 18, 2015 Status Member Last seen October 18, 2015
Oct 18, 2015 at 03:50 PM
I've also had another sort of theory(it's probably incorrect because of lack of computer knowledge but then again there is no reason for me not to say it). The theory is that the computer may be overheating in some way, although I've never had any problems with heating before and that my fans look to be spinning it's just that if I don't open anything when I start the computer and just leave it at the desktop it's fine, it's as if the second I begin to use the computer's hardware and begin to strain it with programs being opened is when it decides to restart. This theory is also kinda backed up when safe mode is working, safe mode isn't using the full extend of my computer and therefore it's working then.

Again, this is just another one of my horrible theories but at least it should give anyone willing to help me some more information into this specific issue :)
BrianGreen Posts 1005 Registration date Saturday January 17, 2015 Status Moderator Last seen September 30, 2021 149
Oct 19, 2015 at 06:37 PM
Hmmm. A nice observation there! However, at this stage I dont think its a heat related issue. but it has prompted this thought ...

Ok, the next thing to try (knowing that stress causes the restart) is to check that the memory is good. Sometimes the memory can work enough to start a machine, but as soon as a program (including Windows) accesses a broken part of memory then the machine fails.

So to check this are 2 options ...

a) remove the memory one stick at a time. If it works after one stick is removed then the removed stick could be bad. Continue this untill all but one stick is removed. If it still does not work properly, then remove the last stick and replace it with one of the other sticks. Hopefully it will work correctly, and you can replace all the rest of the sticks, leaving out the bad one. Most computers can operate wit a stick removed, but in my opinion, it it always best to replace it with a new one when you can. Try not to touch the black chips on the memory sticks as this can reduce their life, and NEVER touch the contacts. You will almost certainly fry the memory with an electrostatic charge from your body if you do. Sometimes, however, there is only one memory stick in the machine. This would force you into option (b) = safer for the hardware than this option (a)

b) download a free program called Memtest 86+. You will need to burn this .iso onto a CD and then boot your machine from the CD. Let the program run at least 2 cycles and see if any memory errors are detected. If there are, then you will need to go down option (a) route to find the bad stick.

Good luck with this, and let me know how you get on.

I really appreciate thank you messages as a payment for solving issues :o)