Vba to change cell colors and highlight rows

Childishact Posts 1 Registration date Friday October 23, 2015 Status Member Last seen October 23, 2015 - Oct 23, 2015 at 05:35 PM
mikkelsheeto Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday June 1, 2016 Status Member Last seen June 1, 2016 - Jun 1, 2016 at 10:19 AM
Here is what I have going on. I have a spread sheet, across the top are the dates of days that my crew works and the first column is everyone on the crews name. I am trying to create a spread sheet to help me with tracking my planned job observations. If I enter a "C" into a cell, I just want the background of that one cell to change to green so I know the observation was complete. If I enter a "FR" into a cell, I want row's background colour to change to red so that I know this employee has a Follow-up required status. When I complete the follow up and enter in a "FC" later in the persons row, I want to rows background colour to go back normal expect the cell where the FR value is to remain red and where the FC is entered to be blue.

Can anyone help me out?

2 responses

Blocked Profile
Oct 23, 2015 at 05:52 PM
Welcome to the show! HEHE!

It is called "conditional Formatting". You set a logic statement, then a "Format".

See here:https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/use-conditional-formatting-to-highlight-information-fed60dfa-1d3f-4e13-9ecb-f1951ff89d7f?ui=en-us&rs=en-us&ad=us

Have fun.
mikkelsheeto Posts 1 Registration date Wednesday June 1, 2016 Status Member Last seen June 1, 2016
Jun 1, 2016 at 10:19 AM
If you're using Excel 2016 and looking to do this, check out our second tip in our tutorial: [REMOVED] called "Highlight cells that contains text". This will make you achieve exactly what you're looking for :) Let me know if it causes any trouble and I'd be happy to help out!