License to login? trying 2 delete

sitting bull - Nov 18, 2015 at 06:35 AM
 Blocked Profile - Nov 19, 2015 at 05:38 PM
Face book wants me to provide and upload my license in order to log in. All i'm trying to do is delete my account, I simply will not upload license or credit cards, that's unheard of


2 responses

Blocked Profile
Nov 18, 2015 at 06:50 AM

they require this information so they can confirm your account is legit.

If you do not wish to agree to their terms and conditions then simply do not use Facebook.
Yes but I want my account deleted, how can I make sure it is?
Okay, but I still want my account deleted. How can I make sure it is. I haven't received any confirmation that my account has been deleted. Face book is unlawfully storing my account. I'm not using face book but want confirmation that my account is cancelled. What's so hard about that?
Blocked Profile > sitting bull
Nov 18, 2015 at 12:13 PM
When you signed up to Facebook you agreed to their terms and conditions. If one of their conditions is that they'd never delete your details and you agree to that - You're out of luck.
No it wasn't a condition I agreed to, nor did I read such info. I feel keeping my account when I'm asking to delete is unlawful. I don't know what you are doing with my account, I don't trust or consent to ANY company, organization, or individuals to hold onto my account or use it in any way. That is infringement and illegal to ask me for my license to delete and violates privacy. Why would you want to keep my account if you aren't using it to further you'r benefit?
Blocked Profile > sitting bull
Nov 18, 2015 at 12:44 PM
They're trying to confirm who you are to ensure you're not a hacker trying to delete the account. They're doing you a favour and if you have issues giving your personal data then I strongly advise you against further social media sites.
Every time time I try to delete my account it says u must log in 1st. When I try to lod in they tell me they want me to upload my driver license which is unheard of. So they won't let me delete without my private information that is unlawful.
Blocked Profile > sitting bull
Nov 18, 2015 at 12:18 PM
They're trying to protect your account by making sure you're the person who owns it.
But I want to delete it not protect it. Besides there are many questions they could to make sure that I'm the person on the account. But asking for a drivers license is as unacceptable to me as giving credit card info on the internet. So, u may ask me any question you want to prove I'm the person on the account but asking for a birth certificate or driver's license is unheard of and fb doesn't usually do that unless it's a case of racial profiling.
Blocked Profile > sitting bull
Nov 18, 2015 at 12:49 PM
If you actually read the info given you to it says you can block out personal information but leave your name and photo on there for them to see. It's perfectly normally to have such measures in place to prevent hackers. Once your account has been verified then you can go ahead and request the deletion.
Which is completely unfounded. I'm an American citizen living in the same area for the past 30 yrs. I was my child's Girl scout leader for God's sake. When you keep my private info then I worry about my child born and raised here by myself and her AMERICAN father as agreed that post divorce we would co-parent. Showing you my license would mean someone I don't know has my address. I could give u the last 4 digits of my social security, but will not give any1 my full social security number or address. That would be crazy, no reasonable American would give that information via internet.