Auto Populating Spreadsheets

PEC - Mar 30, 2016 at 05:41 PM
 Blocked Profile - Mar 30, 2016 at 05:55 PM
I have a workbook; I want to place a $ amount for a certain type of light fixture and have it populate the amount in a certain column for only the designated fixture. This workbook has 7 sheets and I'd like to to automatically populate all 7 sheets if the sheet has that specific fixture.

I understand a macro is probably needs to be built but HELP!!


1 response

Blocked Profile
Mar 30, 2016 at 05:55 PM
Welcome. Thank you for stopping by and asking the pros. I am sorry to be the one to let you know that we HELP, we do not provide turn key solutions. The reason this is, is we will spend the time and complete the "macro" code, only to be told that the scope has expanded, and there is a change to be made!

Here is a good start, then post back with your code when you get stuck. This solution can be solved with a bunch of CASCADING "if"'s. What are those? They are a series of If statements that change based on the previous cell. So point all of the ifs at the cell in fron tof it!

The syntax for IF is as follows:


So, with that known, we can write something like:

On Sheet 1:

Then on Sheet 2:
=IF(Sheet1!B4=1500,"Lamp Sold")

Now put an "x" in Cell A4, of Sheet 1.

Have FUN!

I have said it once, I will say it again. IT!