The discussions
Facebook someone posting pics on my page
SolvedI am in real trouble these days because of a facebook virus, which shows other friends that i liked something weird/sexual post, which appears automat...
Facebook reviewing these additional documents
SolvedHello, when I sign in in my facebook after of writing of username and password then write this massage Unfortunately, you won't be able to access y...
Facebook can't login in
SolvedHello fb account is not working.. when I enter my email and password in fb login section FB Says "Please Change Your Name" i have change my name man...
My facebook account not login
SolvedHello, when I sign in in my facebook after of writing of username and password then write this massage Unfortunately, you won't be able to access yo...
English setting
SolvedHello, How do I switch my language setting on Facebook back to English? Configuration: Windows / Chrome 50.0.2661.94
Cannot access my facebook account
Solved/ClosedHello, I have been unable to log in for 2 weeks and have tried everything recommended. I get either a message "Sorry, something went wrong. We'r...
Facebook verification id
SolvedAnyone Can Help me Please On Verification ID I Dont Know How Is it To Fix I Dont Have Government ID But i have Google Account WIth My account Please A...
Facebook language settings
SolvedHello, How do I change from German to English on fb Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 50.0.2661.89
How to delete my fb hacked account permanently
SolvedHello, I was hacked and my password and email were changed I no longer have complete access because even my security question was changed I am be...
Facebook change language
SolvedIn the last few days my sign in and homepage have been changed from English to what looks likeJapanese/ Chinese language. I would like the situation r...
Mr bras gomes maria
SolvedHello, please reactive my facebook again. Thanks for help. Bras Gomes Maria Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 45.0
Facebook account reviewing these additional documents
SolvedHello, Im trying to sign in into my facebook account but I found this message Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're...
Facebook account disabled
SolvedHello, there's no way to back my account sir ??? ill do anything that makes my account back please. i wait your answer Configuration: Windows 7...
My fb was disable
SolvedHello, My named on FB was July Q Ipinanganak, actually I didn't know why my account On FB was disable Yesterday , I hope will u back my account pl...
Account hacked
SolvedHello, My account has been hacked and cannot log in. Configuration: Windows / Chrome 49.0.2623.112
Language problem
SolvedThis morning my Facebook pages appeared in Portugese, which I do not know. I've tried the things I know to change FB back to English, but no luck. Lo...
Some body hacked my facebook account.
SolvedSir, kindly solve my solution someone hacked my facebook account and it's not open yet. Please help us to cover my account i give you all kind of info...
Facebook reviewing documents
SolvedHello, oogii when I login my Facebook ID then I show, "Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these addit...
Facebook is unavailable & unable to log back in.
SolvedHello, Trying to get into Facebook and get message that my computer needs to be cleaned. Have no idea what to do next. Now, Facebook is unavail...
Reviewing these additional documents
SolvedHello, Sir what happened to my Facebook account i can login my account.. Facebook saying.... Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 48.0.2564.116
Facebook login problem reviewing these additional documents
SolvedHello this is what I saw when I try to open my facebook account ,Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing the...
Uneble to login my facebook
SolvedHello, Thank You Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patie...
Complain about fake id
Solved/ClosedHello, some one using my father picture and name by fake id .please remove this account. This is fake id. Our personality is loosing by . Please r...
Facebook account disabled
SolvedHello, my face book account disable without any reason plz help me in enable of my face book accountConfiguration: Windows 7 / Chrome 48.0.256...
Facebook account disabled
SolvedHello, please my facebook id back Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 48.0.2564.95
Disabled facebook account
SolvedHello, My facebook account is disable !plz give to solve this account disable!This is impotant for my life!Tis account is my job :'(
Close fake facebook account
SolvedHello please help my fb account to close some people make my fake fb account on fb these person are ***@*** and my fake account ...
Please delete this fake
Solved/ClosedHello Sir, this fake Id is still in facebook, its not deleted from please help us and delete this fake facebook ID, https://www.faceboo...
Facebook account was disabled?
SolvedHello, I want my old Facebook account back has it was disabled, and I have been trying to get it back. I have been sending ID to them, but no one...
Deactivated facebook page now want to reactivate it
SolvedHi, I deactivated my Facebook page and now when I want to reactivate it.. I can't because I don't remember my password and it won't let me in because ...
Facebook account been disabled
SolvedHi My acccount been disabled and if i dont get account I lose all photo and video had on there. I would like to get back any ideas how to get back dis...
Disabled my account
SolvedHello, My name it's Amin hussain, my cb account it's disabled with no reason out of no where from last Sunday, I really need it back ASAP pls pls ...
Change facebook profile from arabic to englis
SolvedHello, Could you please help me regarding my facebook profile? coz I dont know what I did but suddenly my profile turn into Arabic language.I want i...
You won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing
SolvedHello, Please Help , I M Not Able To Login My Account Whenever I Try To Login My Account It Says Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your acc...
Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account
Solved/ClosedUnfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and we'll get b...
Reactivating my account after 4 months
SolvedHello, I have been trying to get in Contact with fb about my account I'm trying to reactivate my account but it's telling me the number does not belon...
Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we
SolvedHello, Sir Please Check my account My email ***@*** how to log in my account ??? please help
My account is suddenly in vietnameese not english
SolvedHello, My account has been hacked and is not longer in English. When I try to ask for help it is all in Vietnameese which I can't read.
Fb account
Solved/ClosedHello, I want my last fb account that have been deleted for a year, is there a way that i can fix this problem?? :( please :(
Facebook reviewing these additional documents
SolvedHello, Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and...
Reviewing these additional documents
Solvedhi all facebook page close . Thank You Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents...
How to recover my blocked facebook account
SolvedHow to recover my blocked Facebook account please solve this problem
Not able to log in to facebook
Solved/Closedam not able to log in to facebook. I have tried other accounts of my friends and family members but still not able to log in on to my PC. on my mobil...
We'll take a look at the documents you submitted and get back to
Solved/ClosedHello, can someone help me please Thanks for your help We'll take a look at the documents you submitted and get back to you. If we need more ...
Facebook login problem reviewing these additional documents
SolvedWhen I login to facebook, then show this massage. . Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additiona...
Facebook why is my account is disable?
SolvedHello, why was my account is dseable? Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 41.0
Facebook account is disabled
Solvedmy facebook account disable,please my facebook account reactive help me
Facebook reviewing documents
SolvedHello, I want my id back plz solve this problem Hamid ali is my real name Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're re...