The discussions
Facebook disabled
Hello, My friend's facebook account was disabled 2 days ago without any reason. What we are going to do to get bavk her account please can you ...
Facebook accepting password
Hello, Cannot log into my fb account. Says wrong .. it is not wrong. Can't reset ad says need to remove Removable Disk (F). I DO NOT have reset di...
My old number is change
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.158 Plz sir my fecebook account password recovery
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Sir, I assured I ve never committed something wrong from my account. After 20 days today I logged in my account but it's disabled. I really wan...
Login password is wrong
Hello, I have reset my password many times today and I still can’t login to Facebook, keeps saying my password is wrong System Configuration: ...
Account was disabled with no reason
My account was disabled with no reason
My account has been disabled
Hello, sir my account has been locked so i cant open my id and my number is lost please help me plz System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0...
Recovery of facebook account has been disabled
Hello, sir, my old facebook account has been disabled with the email of ***@*** and name jhen-jhen Villanueva please help me open it..Thanks Sy...
Access my disabled facebook account
Plz help me
My facebook account is disabled
Hello, Sir ,how can I get my account recover plzzzzz suggest me..... System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0.3325.109
My account is disabled
Hello, my name is olamide feranmi my account as been disabled please help me with it now please System Configuration: Android / Chrome 58.0.302...
Block account
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 53.0.2785.134 Mera account Block go gyea hai unlock ker doo
I recover my old facebook account
Hello, sir iwant to recover my old fb account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 50.0.2661.89
Activate my facebook account
Hello, I want reactivate my fb disabled account plz open it System Configuration: Android / Chrome 53.0.2785.146
Facebook account problem
Hello, I was trying get my old Facebook an account back, what should I do to get it back? System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.158
Give my facebook account
Hello, Please give my fb account
Facebook account disabled
Hello, my fb account was resently disabled plz help me to find them System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.126
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Sir My fb account was disabled in 4/5 days ago plz enable my fb account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.126
My facebook account not working
Hello, Sar ji my FB account is not working please solve this problem please sar System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.126
Facebook is not opening
my facebook is not opening any more why and wat can i do
Facebook account disabled
Hello, how do I recover my disabled account.
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My account was disabled plz I need it badly.. help me
How can i open my facebook account
hi. i just want to know how can open may facebook account
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Fb I'd is disabled account password piz open I'd
Disabled account
> Hi sir , > > #827462714108735 > > > > > My name is Deepmala > My account name is diipmala > My account has been disa...
Want to get my facebook back
Please I want to get my Facebook back
Facebook account disabled
6Hello, Please recover my account Please help me Please open my id System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.126
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My fb account are disable without any information so, plz help me reopen my fb account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.320...
Can't login facebook not receiving code
Hi, I got logged out of my units on Fb Yesterday. I tried to login again, as I always do, But this time i did not recive a textmessage with a co...
I want my account re opend
Hello, How do I reactivate my disabled account that I didn’t disable System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 11.0
Facebook account was hacked and deleted
Hello, Mera FB account kisi ne hak Kiya to galti se hamse delete ho gya ab new hi open ho Raha h purana nhi System Configuration: Android / Chr...
I cannot confirm my identity on another computer
Hello, Please help me i cannot confirm my personal facebook on another computer. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 38.0.2125.102
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My name is Helen kimball and my account was disabled I had other accounts but I believe someone did it ... how can I contact Facebook with a ...
Facebook won't open
Hello, sir i have being on facebook about years now but i dont know why my facebook cant open here again they always tell me to wait is now about 3 we...
Enable my facebook account
Hello, Plz my fbk account is enable its so important 4 me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0.3325.109
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Sir my fb account has been disabled plz reopen my fb account.
Reactivate my facebook account
Hello, Hi Facebook my account was disabled by mistake please reactivate my account thanks System Configuration: Android / Chrome 57.0.2987.108
Disabled facebook account
Hello, My facebook Acount is disabled plzz reopene my fb Acount Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.126
I'd is disabled
Hello, My self vaibhav asekar from so many days my ID is not opening that I'd is so much important for me please help me and tell me how to open my ...
Please reopen my disabled account
Hello, Android / Chrome y55s2409:4043:2005:1d05:a4af:b9a3:c51f:8990/config>
How to recover password
Hello, hello how can i get mt password. from Messenger. but dont have my phone num er or gmail account anymore System Configuration: Android / ...
Facebook account disabled
Pls...revieve my fb acc. Why disable my fb???
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My is disable so I need help,It is very important for me please... System Configuration: Android / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
Why is facebook disabled
why my id is disablsde
Facebook sign in through yahoo
How can I get back into my Facebook account by signing in thru Yahoo
Facebook id disabled
My id was disable plz help me
Facebook account not opening
Hello, I am not able to open my FB account. When I am putting my Id and Password it is showing. ""We'll take a look at the documents you submitted...
Can’t access my facebook account
Hello, I m bakhtawarsherazi. I have just got a problem in my facebook account. While I was in facebook page. It suddenly logged out. And then I trie...
Recover facebook
need to access face book
Recover a disabled facebook account
Hello, my name is imtiaz my fb account was disable but i need really how can i recover fb account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0....