The discussions
Facebook account recovery
Hello, Please recover my personal account System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 11.0
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Hi my fbook account was disabled with no reasons pliz help Android / Android Browser 4.0
How to connect yahoo mail with facebook account.
Solved/Closedhow to connect yahoo with Facebook account. Please help !!!
How to log in messenger in google
Hello, How can i Log in or Sign up Messenger in Google Thank you! System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Did not receive login code through mobile
hi, just wondering if anyone knows how to solve this problem, fb ask for my mobile, which i gave. then fb say it will send a login code to me throu...
How do i get facebook back
Hello, I was using facebook and next thing I know I'm being logged out and then a message came up that I was being logged out of messenger too !! N...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Sir, when I login my Facebook ID then I show, "Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional docume...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My account currently been DISABLED by facebook. At the time it happened, i just scrolling reading my timeline and out of sudden it happened t...
Facebook account security code
ClosedI did not get security 6digit code that is why not sign in my facebook account? I need the code.
Facebook account blocked
Hello, Sir and man , My personal account is can not log in , this is my not fake I'd
Facebook account disabled
Hello, my name is rox sharma rox. my facebook account disable without reason. and i want to back again how to on again plz reply System Configu...
Facebook account hacked
Hello, Somebody has hacked my Facebook account again, and has also changed my phone number, and email account...How can I get back in, I don't t...
Didn't get facebook confirm code
Hello, I already send my number to get confirm code but i didn't get it , pls help me System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 58.0
How to open my facebook
Hello, how to open my id facebook please help me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 63.0.3239.111
Unable to open my facebook account
Hello, Please help me to open my fb account *** System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84
Cant reset my facebook password!
Hello I've had some problems with my facebook account recently, i've gained access to the e-mail connected to it, and my phone is still connected to ...
Identity not confirmed
Hello, We get the "Identity Not Confirmed" several times. Since then we have gone into trouble shooting and trying to get answers. Our problem i...
How log did fb take
Hello How log did my fb take
Cannot access to facebook
I cannot log in to my Facebook account
Confirmation code of facebook
Solved/ClosedHello, pls help me to find my confirmation code in facebook System Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 8.0
I want to open my facebook account
Hello, i want to open my account
Facebook account some problem
Hello, My facebook some problem please help you System Configuration: Android / Chrome 31.0.1650.59
Reopen my account
Hello, Please reopen my facebook account someone reported my account System Configuration: Android / Android Browser 6.0
Facebook disabled
Hello, In the summer of 2017 my facebook account was disabled and i have never been able to finds out why. I've been unable to find a way to contact...
Visitors can’t post on my community facebook page
Anyone else see this problem? URGENT! I have reported this for the THIRD time to FB, as have other Pages' Admin. My followers cannot post on my Commun...
Facebook account blocked as security precaution
Hello Sir When I Open My Fb Id Shows Like this. You can not login at the moment. We'll get in touch with your shortly after we've reviewed it. You'l...
Disabled facebook account
Hello, My facebook account is disabled, please help me to reopen.... System Configuration: Android / Chrome 62.0.3202.84
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My facebook account is disabled since 3 days .sent email to facebook but no response plz sggest to reopen
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
sir wy not open my acount
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My name it's krizny uy , my cb account it's disabled with no reason out of no where from last Sunday, I really need it back ASAP pls pls he...
Some one is using my picture on facebook
Hello, Someone is using my picture on Facebook System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Restore gmail account
I cant get on my old Facebook page it's been switched my other phone was fried had to get a new one an a new Google account so i have no access to the...
Access my disabled facebook account
My Facebook account has been disabled because my phone shut down & had to reset. I thought I was signing into my original account but created a new on...
My facebook account was disabled
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 57.0.2987.108 => " Hello , Your security system has mistakenly removed my account without any...
Unable to access my account
When i put my email in for forgotten pasword no email paid for premium cant get into account can u pls help
Facebook says i need to confirm my identity
Hi I’m having big trouble getting into my Facebook it says I need to confirm my identity but then I go to search my account and it won’t work then I s...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, plezzzzz solve this problem i don't know how it disabled plzzz solve this problem System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
How to recover my account disabled
Hello My personal account has been disabled plz give solution for Open my account
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My name ravinder Mishra, my Facebook I'd was disabled I can't understand the problem of face book please tell me Friends what I do there ar...
Can't login facebook account
ClosedI CANT log to FB!!! Please people help me. I don't remember the password, so I chose the option that fb will send me an e-mail, however I didn't rece...
Report you submitted belongs in a different channe
Wrongfully facebook removed my account for pretending to be someone else on facebook but it is not true . I am the real person and i have all the do...
My account is disabled or not number attached
My account is not fake and disabled or not attached number but name is xxxx And plz recovery my account is important so plz open fast sir
Forgot facebook password
Ive been tryna get into my facebook for the past few days n i forgotn my password tho so sure hope u can help me out in getn in my old password was **...
Cannot confirm my identity
Please forgive me, new to forums and am so confused. I Can't get on my facebook account. It said my password was wrong, got new one and submitted it. ...
Hello, My username is Ghebrehiwet Elsa Amare ,please
Facebook account disabled by mistake
Hello, hello sir.. how my acount is disile no any resion ? by mistake my acount haa disible sir please open my acount its very imporatant sir.. p...
Manage my facebook
Hello, Sir, My facebook account is disabled since 3 days .sent email to facebook but no response.plz.sggest to reopen
Forgotn password
Im in need of help in getn into my facebook forgot my password n do remenber my old one n sure wud b nice to get it back
Facebook account disabled
Hello, hi sir my facebook account is disable so how to my fb account anble? System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137