The discussions
Reactivate my facebook account
hello, sir/madam, my facebook account has been disabled. i want to resume please help me
Facebook account closed
Hello, could you help to bring my facebook account back, I did not know why it been closed?
How to recover my deleted facebook account?
ClosedHello, How to recover my permanent delete fb account
Disabled account more than 35 days
Solved/ClosedHello, My 10 years old fb account got disabled 35 days ago. I have submitted an appeal 32 days ago. After submitting an appeal facebook replied me...
I want back my fb account disabled my account
Hello im Rana surya why my fb account is disable.if i do mistek give a chance.i want get back my fb account tq
Why was my facebook account disabled
Hello, Why my fb accoun was disable System Configuration: Android / UC Browser
Disabled facebook account
Hello, My name is Palash das, my facebook account is disabled with no reason out of no where from last day, I really need it back again, pls pls hel...
How to activate google play with google server
please activate google play service with google server through teletalk internet I used with mobile tele talk sim
Facebook disabled.
my Facebook account was disabled for facebook terms policy mistake, I'm submitted my id card but Facebook terms police not reviewd my account, my sup...
Facebook account recovery
Hello, I have lost MY Account/Page. When I follow the directions to recover it I reach my LATE husbands FB Account. I guess we used the same ID/Contac...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My name it's tanu Paul ha, my cb account it's disabled with no reason out of no where from last Sunday, I really need it back ASAP pls pls he...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My name is aditya pandit my account is disable no any reason. I have my account back plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz System Configu...
Plz open my account i am the real person
Hello, My account is disabled someone jealous with me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 57.0.2987.108
Fabecook account recovery
I'm being ask to login into my Facebook account using login code but the code had been went to the my phone that's not existing
My fb account blocked please unblock by account
Hello, sir your team my personal fb account is blocked so i says you unblock my account. your team was mestaken sir this is my real account
My account was can i resert it?
Hello, my account was locked,how can I desert it? System Configuration: Android / Chrome
Facebook account disabled
Hello, my fb account was disabled before 3 days i can re active it System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 66.0.3359.139
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Thank you Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your pat...
Facebook account enable
Hello, My Facebook account enable System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0.3325.109
Facebook account hacked
Solved/ClosedHello, My account was hacked last night and they changed my login and password before I knew it. I tried to change the password, but it wouldn't le...
My old facebook account is disabled this not found
Hello, Plz help me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.126
Facebook account disabled by administrator
Hello .. i have a problem in my facebook when i login it say Your account has been disabled by an administrator i want to know why i am disabled pleas...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, sir my facebook account has been disable. My facebook account number is *********..System Configuration: Android / Chrome
Account issues
My Account isn't Working... DopeKelly Fxg Been with Facebook for 7years I've got my whole life in this account... HELP ME!!!
I cannot log in my facebook account.
Hello My facebook account name is Love Feint and I cannot log in back because of my account name.My account name is like my nickname so I give my acc...
How to open an old facebook account
ClosedHello, Please How to open the old account for Facebook System Configuration: Android / Chrome 58.0.3029.83
My account is disabled
My account is disabled so please help me to reopen my account
Facebook account disabled
Hello Sir My account was disable please reopened me i love this account
My real id
Hello, plz on my id this my real id System Configuration: Android / Chrome 57.0.2987.108
To confirm my identity
Hello, Can you help me ..when logging in to my account as they say to confirm my identity can u help me pls. Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.126
Recovery of previous account
How do I get into touch with the powers that BE on Face BOOK? So I can find out how to get my Page back that THEY took away for no GOOD reason. I nee...
Please help me disable account registration
Hello, sir! mera account disable ho gia hy plz open kr den thank you. System Configuration: Android / Opera 12.16undefinedHello, sir! m...
Facebook account disabled
i disabled my facebook account so i want to reopen my faceboob account, so pleas help me for reopen my account,
How to retrieve email facebook and forgot password
Hello, System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 66.0.3359.139How to retrieve email Facebook and forgot password password and phone and Yahoo ple...
Login code did not receive
Hello, Please help me about my login code that i did not get until now...already 3 days System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.126
Facebook password
please my facebook id passwrod back please brother help me
Facebook account disabled
Hello. Sir why my facebook account was the disable
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Sir please open my id help me sir I id is show please help me
Code generator issues
Hello, I have a face book account . I have reset the password . Unable to open the account until I get a code regenerator. This is not possible as...
Facebook account disabled
Why my account was disabled
Can't log in to facebook
Hello, I can't log in my fb account in another mobile phone and Aysgarth that I've a wrong password and I used to click FORGOT PASSWORD Every time...
My account is blocked
Hello, place my accunt is blocked System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 35.0.1916.153
Code can't enter to reset password
Hi,I can't reset password when I enter code it appear try again later
Delete facebook account
i want to delete my facebook account how can i do it??
Forgot password
I forgot my password When I enter code to reset password Try again later
Facebook account disabled
Hello Hi Facebook Team My This Account Was Disabled By A Mistake And I Can Prove It. This Is Very Important Account For Me. I'm Submitting My Rea...
Why is my facebool account disabled
Hello, Why my account disabled System Configuration: Android / Chrome 43.0.2357.121
Why is my facebook account disabled
Please why is my Facebook account disabled
I want help with login code...
Hello, Sir plz help me about my account... Problem is that i don't recieve login code on my no..plz i want to log in my fb account ...0XXXX my ph ...
Disabled account
Hello, My account was blocked