The discussions
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My personal account ***@*** was disabled. How to reopen my account.Please help me. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.137
Stop refresh
Method on this website does not work. i dont have the option on my app. settings does not show anything to do with refresh
Facebook account disabled
Dear sir My Facebook book was disabled since on the 21th of March without no reason pls sir my Facebook is so precious to me help me to reopen it pl...
Facebook disabled
Hello, how can i reopen mybfb account? Last day im trying to log in but its not working.. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0.3325.109
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Dear sir, I have a facebook account But he is blocked or disbale Idont what happend When I enter the email and password I recieve the messag...
Can't login my facebook confirm identity
ClosedHello, I can't log in my facebook account it's says confirm your identity. It's my account @*** System Configuration: Android / Chrome 57.0...
My facebook account is disabled
Hello, Im wenevol i have a prblema my account disable i dont know what a prblem. I need back my account soon. Bcoz are very important my all old p...
Facebook hacked
Hi my email on my facebook was changed without my consent. How do I reset it and close that account
Not receiving facebook mobile verification code
Hello, Please tell me how to log in FB . I have totally lost access to FB account.i requested many times log in code on my Registered mobile however...
Man assisted me
ClosedThis man assisted me in XXX my CHEATING HUSBAND FacePUKE account and he is a very good XXX for services like :
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and we'll get b...
Facebook wont let me login
Hello, my facebook got locked cause it says u need to verify your self by sendind your id i sent my id to facebook i sent my identification id and my...
My fb account is not log in after my verification
my fb account is not log in after my verification
Why is my facebook account disabled
Hello, Why my fb account is disabled
My facebook account is disabled due to copyright e
My Facebook account is disabled due to copyright error
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional documents. We appreciate your patience, and we'l...
My facebook account have been deactivated
ClosedHello, My fb have been deactivated and I don't know why I would love to get back my fb account System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282...
I can't login facebook reviewing photo
Hello, Facebook. I am not able to login Facebook I'd.It is saying that we are reviewing your photo that you uploaded. 2 days crossed and till now it...
Forgot facebook password
Hello, Can you please help me I can’t access my account because i forgot my password then i try ko send a code to my mobile but I can’t receive any...
Unblocked my facebook account
Hello, The Account Name Is Sarkar e sukhan (سرکار سخن )When i Want To Lo In My Account This Message Is Shown On The Screen :( Thank You Unfortunate...
I can not fine my fb disabled account
Hello, My is name Seoh Prince Seoh, how can I fine my fb disabled? System Configuration: Android / Chrome 54.0.2840.85
Unable to reactivate my facebook account
Hello, I deactivate my account and when i come back they told me that the password is incorrect so I tried to change it so they send me the code and...
Open my facebook account
Hello, Please my facebook account open my account not fake please facebook team
My account is logged out of facebook as a security precaution.
Solved/ClosedMy account is logged out of Facebook as a security precaution 3 days ago.I known it's active in 3 days. But it's not active or review. So I need urgen...
Open my facebook account
Hello, Sir my account was not used at that moment please open my FB I'd it's very important for me
Did not receive login approval code
ClosedHello, I do not get my login approval code... But they are saying that they send me a login approval code.
Facebook won't let me log in
Hello, I'm having trouble to log on my Facebook , I try to change the password by sending me the code on my phone number, I put the code stil won't ...
Can't log in to facebook due to error messages?
All of today I've been unable to log into my Facebook account, on all devices. The message which usually comes up says either 'incorrect password' or ...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, How to open my Facebook account ? Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're reviewing these additional docume...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
I am in problem . Facebook. My Facebook account is a blocked ??? Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're r...
Someone has hacked into my facebook and email
ClosedSomeone hacked into my Facebook and change my password Can I go to my other email addresses Challenge my number on my Facebook has been changed to
Facebook account disabled
Hello, I'm mohammad anamul hoque. my personal fb account has been disabled... it's my real id.. plz plz plz help me soo I can reopen my fb accou...
Facebook messenger disabled
Plss help me my account connot log in in messanger disable plss help methank u
My facebook account is disabled
Hello, Plz help my Facebook account is hacked is blocked my someone plz help to recover my account.plzzzzzz. System Configuration: Android / ...
Messenger group limit of people
hi Ive created a messenger group... put 5 people in there ... is that the limit of people you can add ?
Facebook account disabled
Solved/ClosedHello, my Facebook account is disabled. It wants me to contirm my identity, but when i do that it says it is disabled. I can appeal the discussion, bu...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Dear sir my ID is disable plz help me
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Facebook has been showing that the log in phone number I have entered doesn't associated with any account whenever I try to upload my appeal ...
Facebook account blocked
Hy Sir my account was blocked plzz unblocked my account because my fb is very important for me mujhe nhi pta kaise blocked hogya h mera fb so plzz u...
Facebook account always asking to confirm my id
Hi guys please I need help i cant access my Facebook account always asking to confirm my identity i did that over and over but the problem not solved ...
Hello, l am confused. I have an e-mail associated with my emaile. When I got a new phone I could not get it. I think I accidently made a Google acc...
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, Facebook has blocked my account and does not allow me to access it. It's been nearly 3 weeks since I was blocked, and no revision has come ...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, my name is yahaya usman , I wan't help because my Facebook just disabled with no reason, since last two weeks, my question here is what is t...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Hi sir my account was disabled two days back without knowing why can you help me to get it back to me? System Configuration: Android / C...
Cant access my facebook account
Hello i cant access my facebook account please System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 65.0.3325.181
Been hacked facebook closed my account
Hello, I need help I had a business account and face book page someone hacked my account used my credit card details I canceled the card and now fac...
My facebook account is disabled
Hello sir
Facebook account disabled
Hello, ser im, BN change owner this account .my date of birth 9/sep/1994 i think my id was disabled by mistake please unblock my id as soon as pos...
Confirm my identity on facebook
Solved/ClosedHello, i need to a identity for my fb acct. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0.3325.109
Facebook, submitted my id, unlock my account
Hello sir,I submitted my national ID card & confirmed my name Md Arif Hossain.Please sir,approved my request & unlock my account.