The discussions
My facebook account is disabled
Hello, A Facebook my account is disable . Please give me idea to return my account
Facebook recovery without phone and email
Hello, how can I open my facebook account if I have forgotten my password and I have no longer access to my email account? :( System Configura...
Disabled account on facebook
I have no idea why they keep doing this to me,I got hacked about 4 months ago and the hackers tried to ransom my account back to me ,I refused and FB ...
Disable facebook account
hi, how are you guys? guys i had a facebook account with user name * , this is disable since 2 months.. when it disable i got very m...
Facebook you can't login at the moment
ClosedHello, sir account was not open it shows "you can't login at the moment"
Hello, Please Facebook my forgot send my numbar please System Configuration: Android / Chrome 57.0.2987.108
How to find my facebook id?
Hello, My fb is asking Id for login how to solve that System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0.3325.109
Recover facebook account
Please help me recover my old account? I have over a thousand pictures ad memories
Cant login to my facebook account
Hello, I cant login to my facebook account.. it asked me to identify the account.. when i denfified it ask me to choose the phone number but there a...
Indentity not confirmed
Hello, i'm able to change my id and they ask for security check and when i click ok , a screen comes up saying we cant confirm your identity what ...
Faceook disabled reviewing additional documents
Hello, My Facebook account Has been not opening when I open ats says. Unfortunately, you won't be able to access your account while we're revie...
Reactivate my disabled fb account
Hello, My facebook account was disabled yesterday. I don't know why it was disabled? Please get me to reactivate it again. I am looking forward to y...
Blocked facebook account
ClosedHi all i didnt log into my fb for 5 years ... And i got my mail block now i hot back my mail that i log into fn with but when am trying to log in fb t...
Getting back my facebook account
ClosedI recently made a Facebook account and as everyone knows they ask you to enter a email/number to confirm your account, I had put my email which is a Y...
Facebook account blocked
Hello, How can I recover my FB that has been blocked by others System Configuration: Android / Chrome 53.0.2785.146
I want to activate my fb disabled account
Closedplz help me my account has been disabled due to spam plz help me to get my account back
Facebook account not opening
Hello, Sir My Fb account no opane plzz help me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 66.0.3359.126
Facebook account disabled
Hello, My fb account was dissable workout any reason. I want to activate it.. How can I activate it System Configuration: Android / Chrome 6...
Facebook account disabled
Without any reason my fb account was dissable it is very important for me. I given my I'd proof to verify my account to the help centre....but not res...
Find my account which has been disabled
Hello, Dis is victor noronha account hs been disabled since monday plz help me recover it ....i m worried plzz help me out... Hope to ...
Facebook account hacked
My wife's Fb account has been hacked. Her login and other info has been changed. We were given a phone number to Fb from a local merchant. My questio...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, How can I back my fb account totally disabled pls help me System Configuration: Android / Chrome 53.0.2785.124
Reactivate my facebook account
Reactive my compte fb pls Maestro monji haffa Thnx
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Am Titus Mauliso, my phone doesn't open my face book account for almost amonth now, but i don't understand why? please i real beg for your assi...
Approval code
Hello, System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 65.0.3325.181 I have my phone but i cant reciv approvel code on my phone please help me ...
When i go my facebook account not come
Hello, Enock When I go my Facebook account is not come System Configuration: Android / UC Browser
Facebook account disabled
Hi My Facebook has been disabled two days ago , what I can do to get my account back on track?
Account disable
Hello, My account disable more then two month. I send my government I'd many times but no reply. Someone told me send ur profile pik also. But I f...
Recover my account
ClosedHello, sir how plz re over my if fast sirnkl System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0.3325.109
Not receiving sms code authenticator message.
Hello, My name is Luis I'm really killing myself over here getting to find outt why I cannot get bank into my account. I can reset muy password and ev...
My personal account disabled
Hello, I had a account before four years ago. I open three close group one group member was 315k suddenly my account disable in this time my group o...
Not receiving codes to my phone number
Hello, Hi I logged out of Facebook and tried to log back in it’s asking me for a 6 digit code which I’m not receiving to my phone number I know my p...
Facebook account disabled unilever report me
Hello, please help me recover my account . unilever report me. how can i recover it please System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 65.0.3325.181
How to unlink facebook login from pinterest?
I don’t want to use Facebook account to log in to pinterest
Facebook account disabled
Hello, plz i need your help... My fb is been disabled... I want it back. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0.3325.109
Facebook account disabled
Hello I don't know the reason why my facebook account is disabled. I need my Facebook account please give me back my Facebook.I need it and have ma...
Facebook confirmation code
Hello My Facebook account is off from last day . Because I’m forgot my password N I trying for confirmation code from last day . But I don...
Facebook account blocked
My Facebook account blocked. Please Someone use my mobile number to access new account , so i can't long in again and i don't remember my password ,...
Can't see some of my friends
Hello, Why can't I see some of my friends on nearby friends System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0.3325.109
My facebook account blocked
Hello, I made a mistake to upload my I'd, instead of an I'd I uploaded my moms photo, how do I fix this? System Configuration: Android / Chrome...
Facebook account disabled
hi my name is Mohammed Haruna please my Facebook is disabled and i don't know why so pls help me to get my account back
Who closed my account sir
I am pandiarajan my facebook account pandiarajan magudeswaran destined please open this account please help
Give me facebook password
Hello, Please sent sms my facebook password to my phone. System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 4.0
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Sir my name is kamal kumar my account was disabled 19 April please help me System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 3.5
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Sir my name is kamalkumar my account was disabled.without warning please help me my account recover System Configuration: Android / Sams...
Facebook account disabled
ClosedHello, my facebook account is disbled I dont y?? I want my account back....plz help me. System Configuration: Android / Chrome 64.0.3282.1...
Unable to access my facebook
Hello, I changed my phone and after I try to change my password. I can't access my account again. I got this message. I have tried to login to my ...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, Somehow my entire facebook account was closed and I have lost alot of friends and school information due to this. how can it be reactivated? ...
Facebook account disabled
ClosedHello, I have my account my account is disabled please solved this System Configuration: Android / Chrome 55.0.2883.91