Ps4 connection to hotspot

Trixta - Updated on Aug 16, 2019 at 02:37 PM
 Trixta - Aug 17, 2019 at 07:06 AM
Fellow gamers lv got myself a Ps4 and lm doing my head in trying to connect to Telstra air lm connected but it goes straight to test says successful but fails the internet connection does anyone no how l can get around this as it says on my phone l can connect to consoles please help me out thank you RG

System Configuration: Android / Chrome 76.0.3809.89

1 response

Blocked Profile
Aug 16, 2019 at 02:38 PM
A mobile hotspot is not robust enough for the ps4 to have a connection that will support the network functions. If the ping rate is too high, it will not connect.
Thank you very much l will be definitely trying it out 100% l will let you know how it goes sincerely ricky