SpeederXP combines three different functions that are to accelerate the computer system, Internet connection and games.
Note: it seems that the publisher's website is closed and the version linked to this page is the latest to exist.
What are the key features of SpeederXP?
- System performance: supporting several Windows operating systems, SpeederXP can increase their speed. For that, the user just has to control it from the main interface by dragging the cursor from left (Slow) to right (Fast). It is also possible to select the Default profile.
- Internet and game accelerator: the process is the same if the user wants to speed up the access to Web. From the target window, they will have to choose to accelerate the Internet or the game speed. Anyway, the principle remains the same.
- Settings: some parameters can be adjusted by the user. For instance, they are allowed to run or not SpeederXP after system boot. Apart from that, the frequency of the conversion (speed) can also be configured by the user.

Is it free?
This is a trial version of the product.
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