Converting text to audio requires a special tool. Text to MP3 was just designed to perform such tasks. Indeed, it is able to convert text documents to MP3 or WAV files.
Note: it seems that the publisher's website is closed. Thus, more recent versions of the software are not expected.
What are the key features of Text to MP3?
- Conversion: This is surely the function that makes this tool different from others. Indeed, it is able to convert text files into WAV or MP3. The user only has to import the text document to the left windows of the interface.
- Customization: This option is also one of the main particularities of Text to MP3. The user can choose whether to use a deep voice or a woman voice. It is also possible to adjust the speed of reading the text.
- Multilingual support: Thanks to the recognition of text by the software, it reads and records the word contained in the text according to the language predefined by the user. Indeed, it is able to change the linguistic pattern according to the user's needs.

Is it free?
This is a free trial version.
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