When Apple released the iOS 14 update, they added Widgets. Widgets are large dynamic icons that display live data, can be resized and added to you home screen. Widgetsmith allows you personalise your home screen ever further.
What are the key features of Widgetsmith?
- A wide range of customizable widgets. (Date, weather, astronomy, among others)
- Three different widget sizes to choose from.
- Different font styles, colors, tint colors, and background colors.
- Dynamic Widgets, that can be scheduled to appear on your home page, depending on the rules that you assign.
- Widgetsmith can be integrated with Apple Health.

How to use Widgetsmith?
It is a simple process. Click the "Add" button for the size of widget you wish to create, and then tap the widget to start cusomization.
Is Widgetsmith free?
Yes, Widgetsmith is free to download use. There is a premium subscription option on offer for $1.99 monthly, or $19.99 yearly. This will allow you access to Tide and Weather data.