Butterfly Soup is an independent visual novel developed by Brianna Lei. Come and discover the story of 4 Asian girls playing baseball and falling in love.
Butterfly Soup offers an experience following four young LGBT+ Asian-American girls attending their first year of high school and members of a baseball club. This is a journey about falling in love and fighting for who you really are.
- Dialogues: The dialogues are pretty stimulating, emotional, and hilarious at the right moments.
- Decisions: You will have the opportunity to make choices and shape your own story.
- Characters: You will meet many different characters, each one with its personality, sense of humor, and feelings.
- Locations: All the different scenes take place in varied areas, like the Playground, High School, McDonald's, School Library, Snowcastle, and more.

The game offers simple and charming graphics. Even though the characters are not animated, facial expressions are satisfying, and the backgrounds are full of color.
Duration and game modes
Butterfly Soup is about 3-4 hours long and offers a solo experience.
What do the reviews say?
Butterfly Soup has been made for a niche audience, and the players' community has positively received it. Even though it is a free independent game, it has a strong production value.
Age rating
There is no official age rating, but we would recommend it for a teenage audience.
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