HDD has vanished

DrJimmyRussels - Updated on Sep 26, 2017 at 02:55 AM
 Blocked Profile - Sep 26, 2017 at 04:59 PM

I was merely enjoying Shadow Warrior 2 when all of a sudden audio began to loop and the game crashed entirely. I tried to relaunch when I was given an error that the game was not located in storage. Upon going to My Computer I come to find that my secondary B: drive is missing. Now I've had such an error in the past happen where I restarted the system, initiated the drive/startup repair and then once it was visible again I would defrag it and all would be well. However this day I have no such luck as the startup repair and system restore have yet to will my 2nd HDD into existence. Now the other thing that was different this time was that the drive repair didn't initiate like it usually does. Now I know startup repair takes you to kind of that first time OS setup menu but I would really like to know how to manually activate the drive repair which is simply a process displayed by text on the screen rather than the windows screens.

Now i had the idea of putting just a small partition of windows or ubuntu on the secondary drive since it does show up in the BIOS menus. So the device is recognized its just that windows doesn't think it exists at all which makes me write off the possibility of the drive just no longer being functional. I know it's a bit of a strange fix but I am a tad bit low on ideas at the moment.

So in short I would like to know one of two things

1. Is it possible to manually initiate the drive repair/scan on Windows 7 64bit Ultimate?

2. Would installing a small partition on the secondary drive prevent this from happening again?


1 response

Blocked Profile
Sep 26, 2017 at 04:59 PM
A CHKDSK of the drive should do what you wish. Try and post back.